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  1. In a nice S'toon restaurant (Ivy), woman mentioned my book stares, glares & turns away (p.191) Ha! #IMBLO
  2. And? RT@Sekoyes Retweeting a far right wing loony,smooth.He's very worried about them muslims and the commies that hate him for his freedom
  3. Aha! Thx Capt. Obvious RT @Boxcar1717 A lot of ppl don't follow you because we like you. Want to keep track of what the bad guys are up to.
  4. Rob your wife is right. No one is cooler than the MIMITW @robvanstone @camhutchinson. Here is one of his compilations:
  5. Noticing that we're on the cusp of 1800 followers (thanks everyone!) am going golfing. First round of the year. Ahhhh. Good Sat, all!
  6. Bronwyn Eyre is on fire today -- Star Phoenix column on Greenies who want us back in the 17th Century. I'm not going!
  7. My Friday newspaper column (Leader Post and Star Phoenix) runs today. Days of Tory minorities are done:
  8. Am on with Don Martin @CTV_PowerPlay at 3pm (SK time) this aft re Brad Trost