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  1. @OlBonfire REALLY? Good to know my son is fighting the good Federalist fight.
  2. But of course, J'adore Les Canadiens, @SirJSDThompson! #DeadPMPlatform, #Habs.#elxn41
  3. I hadn't realized I acquired so many followers here! Nearly 250 followers. Bonjour mes amis! Merci beaucoup pour votre encouragment!
  4. He should pay the medical bills out of his own salary then. RT @CdnPress: Harper defends support for asbestos industry.
  5. @mauriceduplessi Not really. I already fought that battle and won... Wait, what the? *sigh*
  6. @S_PJ_Mackenzie Congratulations!
  7. @OlBonfire The #deadpmelxndesk is a splendid idea! Time pending, I'll do my best to contribute.
  8. Oh Mr. Layton? I'm hearing rumblings about Quebec and the Constitution. Don't make me come up there to go Meech Lake on you! #elxn41 #DeadPM
  9. Bravo, Krissy! RT @krissy_myers: I just voted, with the #DeadPMPlatform in mind. Grans and I put in votes for @OlBonfire and @P_Trudeau!
  10. @mauriceduplessi You know, I tried to get that going for Le Libre. Would have been an excellent supplement.
  11. @mauriceduplessi @bobbyborden Oh and hell isn't red. Hell is other people... like yourself.
  12. @mauriceduplessi @bobbyborden Says the most oppressive leader in Cdn. History. You didn't need the WMA to restrict civil liberties.
  13. @joeyjack That's what I've been doing! No wonder I've been doing so well at this game. There just aren't enough levels!
  14. @mauriceduplessi Ne pas de jouer avec le feu, cochon bleu! #keepenemiescloser
  15. The staff member in charge of monitoring my Tweets has got me addicted to this game where you hurl birds at green pigs. How the..#angrybirds
  16. I made a list of #DeadPM, their associates and their dogs.
  17. @mauriceduplessi You just had to join the party, too, eh? #razzlefrazzle