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  1. What if Libs used tonite's rally to announce Iggy being replaced as leader by Chretien. I'm not SAYING they will, I'm just saying WHAT IF
  2. I don't know what the Bloc's defeat would mean for separatism, but I have a feeling I know what it means for Ducepparatism.
  3. @anieperrault Oui. Mais il va battre un Duceppe!
  4. @Nicki_Doyle I mean of the current crop of anglophone leaders.
  5. .@Nicki_Doyle It both breaks the rule and confirms it: he's the most francophone/Québécois of the anglophone leaders.
  6. *Of a major party, that is. Not counting Créditiste rump in 65 and Bloc Populaire in 45 (which only ran candidates in half the ridings).
  7. I'll repeat a point I've made before: if Layton beats Bloc, he'll be 1st non-francophone to beat a francophone leader in Quebec ever.*
  8. Yoo-hoo? Ipsos? Harris-Decima? Where are you?
  9. Congrats. RT @stuartrj: The Parliament of Canada web site I've been working on for the last two years has launched today.
  10. @kady @InklessPW Mistakes were made.
  11. New issue: Is Palin Canadian? MT @SarahPalinUSA: Media: Trump forced issue. Don't let WH distract you from Bernanke today. Stay focused, eh?
  12. @glen_mcgregor Teneycke, that is.
  13. @glen_mcgregor Even more bizarre: Muttart peddles story to Keneycke, and it's proof that Sun ISN'T a Tory propaganda organ?
  14. @kady @TabathaSouthey @RosieBarton Next sign: OR WE CAN DO THAT