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  1. @Michael_Murphy Cons command and control regulation is way more expensv than cap/trade and so is doing nothing #LPC #elxn41
  2. RT @davidakin: Let the seat projection silly season begin! #cdnpoli #elxn41
  3. RT @cpbtklogic: @SenMitchell He is ^NOT not going to bring abortion to the table. (Logic: NOT NOT = "he is going to") #odastyle #lpc #elxn4
  4. SH says he wld defeat anti-choice legislatn but neglects that Planned Parenthd was defunded wo legislation. Be very afraid #lpc #elxn41
  5. RT @josephcchu: Coalition of churches condemned Harper's jails plan #elxn41 #cdnpoli #newmarketaurora
  6. Kent rejects support for Con candidate who praised terrorist: #elxn41 #lpc #cdnpoli
  7. RT @althiaraj Planned Parenthood says its recent funding application doesn't include cash for abortion #cv11
  8. RT @keithmartinmd: SH's fearmongering about coalition distracts from the real issues;health care, aging pop, economics, enviro, etc #elxn41
  9. RT @Uranowski: Michael Ignatieff announces new support for Canadian artists #elxn41 #LPC (cc. @Let_It_Bea )
  10. RT @CherylLStewart: Lib gov't will double annual budgt of the Cda Council for the Arts, from $180 to $360 mil over nxt 4 years. #elxn41 #lpc
  11. RT @kathodgson: Planned Parenthood? Are you kidding me? He has got to go #elxn41
  12. RT @CamilleLabchuk: RT @BrendaCossman: conservatives 'hidden' agenda on abortion not so hidden anymore...
  13. Planned Parthd defunding: Why wld Cons decide that and be afraid to announce it? Hidden agenda - literally. #lpc #elxn41 #cdnpoli #yegfed
  14. Con MP: "absolute disgrace that that organization {Planned Parenthood} has been receiving one penny of Cdn taxpayers $s,” Hidden agenda #lpc
  15. RT @nepeancarleton: I wonder if this Planned Parenthood issue will stick to CLSH? Castonguay of Le Devoir expects it to be news in QC .
  16. RT @Carolyn_Bennett: Tories defunding Planned Parenthood, via @MSNca Ideology trumps evidence again. #elxn41
  17. RT @UnseatHarper: Ideology drives policy >TheStar - Pro-life backers shaped Tory decision to ‘defund’ Planne… (cont)
  18. RT @sheilagervais: RT @lucasmitchell: Seeing @anitavandenbeld on tv always cheers me up. Such an awesome candidate. #elxn41 #lpc #cdnpoli
  19. RT @mbeckrubin: RT @HamBaconTomato: .@anitavandenbeld talking abt her plan 2 help #nortel pensioners, #cpc … (cont)
  20. Con MP: "Pro-life supporters influenced as-yet unannounced gov decision to deny funding to Planned Parenthood" #lpc