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  1. Taking delight from seeing the latest polls. Seems that the Liberals are on the run now. I hope these results turn into seats. #exln41
  2. @JSWoodsworthCCF exactly why I didn't cross the floor in April '45, when King offered me the PMship. Principles before power.
  3. It was forty years ago this weekend that my friend Tommy Douglas stepped down as NDP leader and that young pup David Lewis replaced him.
  4. @JSWoodsworthCCF as you know,"I was always more interested in bringing certain things to pass than I was in achieving place or power."
  5. I hope the NDP surge will win back my old seat of Rosetown—Biggar. #elxn41
  6. As I used to say, "If you live by principles and are true to them, you can't fail." I hope Jack understands that. #elxn41
  7. @JSWoodsworthCCF Today's Conservatives seem like Aberhart's Social Credit. Today's Liberals seem 2 b like King's: use other's ideas
  8. @JSWoodsworthCCF today's NDP seem like Diefenbaker's Progressive Conservatives.
  9. @JSWoodsworthCCF I fear the '45 "Gestapo campaign" tactics that my friend Ted Jolliffe fell victim too may be employed against Jack.
  10. @JSWoodsworthCCF well hopefully the surge won't end like it did on Jun 11 '45. No repeat of the Sanderson & Gladstone Murray shenanigans.
  11. @JSWoodsworthCCF Couldn't have done it without you Mr. Woodsworth.
  12. Today's NDP poll positioning has me remembering when I was leading the national polls in the glory days of 1943 for the CCF. Elxn41, @kady