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  1. Lots of swooning by @miss_splendid as NKOTB appears on Dancing With the Stars. Lots of gagging and eye-rolling by @mrtall.
  2. Donny Wahlberg procures kidney via Twitter #NKOTB
  3. Went down to the 3rd floor and noticed that there are now two @raelbot machines. HOLY FUCK THEY'VE LEARNED TO REPRODUCE!!!
  4. @alexchoi no never got one, because I actually wait a couple months after launch before buying my shiny new tech crap
  5. Glad I bought an XBox
  6. @sm "Sister Venture Capitalists"?
  7. Why not, instead of coughing, try not coughing?
  8. @cobra_princess Christina and @mammatall liked their scarves:
  9. @cobra_princess I'm so proud! Patrick and Jayanthi send their love.
  10. @sm McDonalds. You're welcome.
  11. @sm well, it's not like I'm hard to find in a crowd
  12. Can't sleep, @raelbot will eat me:
  13. @iamnirav actually, scratch that. Gym and showers.
  14. @iamnirav cone of silence
  15. @hankeh we'll see. I'm hoping to get my own slide to the lower floors. ;-)
  16. Massive dinner at Dosa. Am now bloated and content.