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  1. Today Harper talked about the CPC plan to support Small Business. Lots of detail here: What are your thoughts?
  2. Ottawa Citizen Editorial board with the Ottawa Centre candidates, see it here
  3. We will invest in defibrillators for hockey arenas in every community across Canada! Great news!
  4. Harper announces investment in life-saving defibrillators
  5. Jeffrey Simpson, the Most irresponsible promise of the election
  6. Jeffrey Simpson takes your questions on the NDP platform via @globeandmail
  7. Too bad the Ignatieff led coalition with the NDP and Bloc Quebecois voted against brain/neuroscience funding when it opposed Budget 2011!
  8. Our future funding for brain/neuroscience in Canada will leverage $ from the private sector and neuro-science orgs for a total of $300M
  9. I welcome today's announcement that a re-elected Conservative Gvt will invest $100M to support brain research and neuroscience in Canada.
  11. The NDP higher taxes and higher spending plan is an agenda that will put economic recovery at risk. It will cost jobs and hurt Cdn families.
  12. The NDP voted against the Conservative tax cuts including cutting the GST, income splitting for seniors and tax relief for small business.
  13. The NDP record on taxes is clear. They voted against every single tax cut delivered by the Conservative Government!
  14. So the NDP just voted to stop a budget that contained many of the measures they asked for, and that are in their recently released platform!
  15. ...The next phase of the Conservative Cdn Economic Action plan extended the ecoENERGY Home Retrofit Program with added investments of $400M.
  16. Our Conservative Government is helping Canadian homeowners lower their home heating costs by improving their energy efficiency! ....cont'd
  17. A Conservative Gvt will double the amount that Cdns can invest annually to $10k when the budget is balanced within the next term of office.
  18. The tax-free savings account makes it easier for Cdn families to invest in their own priorities. Reducing taxes on savings makes it easier.
  19. A stable majority Conservative Government would establish a Volunteer Firefighters Tax Credit of $3,000/year for volunteer firefighters.
  20. A Conservative government will forgive a portion of Canada Student Loans for new family doctors, nurses/practitioners in rural/remote areas