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  1. Love @charlesadler pitch for achy joint product Sierasil on SunTV. Presumably the Shiatsu ad market has dried up for the station. #elxn41
  2. @filionray he was at a rally in st-agapit on week 2 of the campaign as well.
  3. @reutersLjungg I wonder if CPC candidate Julian Fantino agrees with his assessment?
  4. Apparently CPC MP Trost sticking by his controversial abortion comments. A rarity for a Tory backbencher to say so publicly.
  5. @LiamMooney soudas had already commented on planned parenthood, so thought I would broaden the issue.
  6. @LiamMooney sorry you didn't like question. I wanted him to explain what he's do if re-elected on abortion.
  7. @yorandomtweeter good catch. He was NOT speaking official party policy.
  8. Late breaking CPC scramble. Planned Parenthood can still apply for funding. Brad Trost was speaking official govt or party policy.
  9. Trost on pro-life movement: "In Quebec we still need to do quite a bit of work." #elxn41
  10. Trost on anti-abortion wave sweeping country: "We still have some work to do with the Prime Minister and other members of the government"
  11. Harper said on #elxn41 don't worry about abortion bc not in platform. But this could be part of spending cut agenda
  12. #Elxn41 talk turns 'iffy' with a dozen days to go. #torontostar
  13. Who's reckless and unstable now? CPC heads off in snow/icestorm for NB campaign stop. #elxn41
  14. Approaching icestorm in QC and NB could force changes to CPC #elxn41 tour Wednesday.
  15. New CPC release removes disputed quote in favour of another. If facts get in your way, choose others, I guess.
  16. @SenMitchell @CBCTerry This does appear to be true. The transcript that CPC gave to journos on tour had no reference to talks w/ Harper
  17. Battleground Yellowknife: Libs have nicer hotel than CPC, but no heat in rooms. Mybe no one paid heating fuel taxes in NDP riding. #elxn41