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  1. To save $1 billion in tax cuts, @timhudak would have to: lay off 10,000 teachers, fire 4,000 doctors, or no OPP - which will it be Timmy?
  2. Dad would be proud - McGuinty gov’t - new program to help farmers manage their business risks. #OnBudget11
  3. McGuinty gov’t mental health strategy, starting with children and youth. #OnBudget11
  4. Smarter kids - time saving for parents - #OnBudget11 confirms #FDK to begin in 200 more schools this Sept & all schools by Sept 2014.
  5. #OnBudget11 will add 60,000 new student spaces in our colleges and universities - Turning the corner today - up the hill tomorrow!
  6. #OnBudget11 adding 90,000 more breast cancer screening exams - something I know something about!!!
  7. McGuinty gov’t partnering with businesses to create and retain nearly 10,000 #Ontario jobs. #OnBudget11
  8. #Ontario Budget Day! Woohoo! Tune in at 4 pm!
  9. Anybody tweeting "who is Neil Young" clearly NEEDS to diversify their itunes playing list NOW. Kids - he's a LEGEND!!!
  10. #Ontario's Budget will add 60,000 new college and university student spaces. #OnBudget11
  11. Did Harper really say that "Canadians will vote a majority Conservative Gvmt" did he actually presume the outcome of the election on May 2?
  12. Junos rocks in Toronto!
  13. Down With Webster first act at Junos - they were also first act at the #Ontario pavilion at the 2010 olympics - just sayin!
  14. Junos - here I come! 4 y'all that made fun of it - u're not where I am tonight!
  15. Ontario’s economy #TurningTheCorner through economic growth & jobs #OnBudget11 will identify $1.5 billion in new savings.
  16. Spin all U want Harper - what are you doing for me, for Ontarians, for Canadians? I know how I'm voting already? Spin all U want.
  17. Or better yet Harper - what are you doing for my married sister with 3 kids who is working minimum wage job? Nothing. That's what.
  18. Harper - what about jobs? Folks R still struggling to put food on the table? They WANT work to feed their families #onpoli #cdnpoli