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  1. So newsies paid $50k to travel with #CLSH tour, to ask 4 q's a day, and get abused by #CPC partisans. As PT would say,1 born every minute
  2. Tomorrow is May 1 - May Day! How many other parties have a day named for their leader? ;) #MayDay #EMayIn #elxn41 #gpc
  3. Yay! It's @acoyne Tweetiloque time again! Fun reading :) #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  4. @kady What is this strange "day off" of which you speak?
  5. *sigh* oh, Montreal Gazette... We need a majority for a stabie democracy? Something to consider: dead is a stable condition, too. #elxn41
  6. Best thing I have read in a while RT @acoyne The complete guide to not giving a fuck
  7. Cause and effect, ladies and gentlemen. If you let #CLSH abuse and ignore you, then you endorse him, what lesson do you think he's learned?
  8. Bwahaha!! RT @EmmMacfarlane Dear SUN TV, when the rise of the NDP became newsworthy, this isn't what we were talking about. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  9. *sigh* And the #NDP walk into the trap by actually taking the story seriously. Just roll your eyes and walk away... walk away. #elxn41
  10. Anyone wanna bet that Sun hasn't just helped *increase* Layton's popularity? #cdnpoli #elxn41
  11. Oh gods SERIOUSLY Sun News?? THAT'S the best you could come up with?? Layton nude in a massage parlour? #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  12. @KWCathy send us more details please
  13. Great interview with Margaret Atwood: #cdnpoli #elxn41