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  1. Naturally I wouldn't dream of breaking the election laws, but these results from Atl Cda are very interesting...
  2. Citizens! For Queen and Country! Vote! (Feeling very patriotic just now...)
  3. I blame myself. RT @jarfri: @acoyne too bad this election will be the demise of your chosen party.
  4. Registrar at the polling station where I voted said it was the highest turnout she could remember.
  5. I just voted and you should, too. Feels good.
  6. @BradCabana 50. I think they're only going to get 35 in QC.
  7. THIS JUST IN: Revised Final Not-the-CBC Decision Desk Projection - C:151 L:45 N:86 B:24 G:1 Ind:1
  8. And, with the Playbook, no email. RT @iancapstick: I may rock both the iPad and PlayBook tonight. No paper. No pen. #eeep!
  9. Flushed down the oceanic toilet? RT @scottfeschuk "Burial at sea" too noble for a mass murderer. Can we go with "dumped in the water?"
  10. Always fascinating to see who gets a joke, and who doesn't.
  11. Detainees being held at Guantanamo provided some of the strongest inform'n about those who were trusted by Bin Laden.
  12. Though the house was valued at $1 million, it had no Internet or phone service. Its residents burned their trash...
  13. @nspector4 But the responses are sure interesting,
  14. @nspector4 Nope.
  15. Makeover, time at the gym... RT @cnnbrk: What's next for al Qaeda? Experts weigh in.
  16. Ah, someone does, RT @danlebla: After elxn, I expect @kady to start live-tweeting cmttee hearings AND American extra-judicial assassinations
  17. Does NO ONE share my concern that bin Laden was not read his rights?