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  1. @kinsellawarren @adam_giambrone I thought you were the ghost of Bin Laden.
  2. Yikes, CBC releases results by accident. Elections Canada issues assassination order.
  3. Vaughn in Toronto @paulvieira Well we have it surrounded.
  4. @jarfri Folks tell me he's in tough. I have no idea, but if he loses it makes it easy to say goodbye to federal politics.
  5. I'm so not hearing any results from Atlantic Canada...cuz that would be wrong...
  6. @whip4life. #elxn41 We're talking about, you know, stuff...
  7. At SUN getting ready to hit the airwaves with that damn Warren Kinsella. You can see it here:
  8. A few last observations on the election with a focus on Edmonton Strathcona
  9. Imagine...PMO arranged to have Bin Laden killed to strengthen CPC national security message. How low will they stoop?
  10. @whip4life #elxn41 I'd be shocked if QC NDP support comes out with candidates on vactn, cramming for finals, going to senior prom etc.
  11. New Nanos poll shows NDP slide for 1st time since mid April and Con numbers up. Harper ldshp up and Layton down. Majority still in play?
  12. @mstoreshaw @kris_sims I have my bunker, which I call the Jack Layton Room. Completely off the grid, like Canada would be under the NDP.
  13. @mstoreshaw yep...time to buy gold.
  14. There, that's over. Now I can get back to enjoying 4 hour mechanical delay at Pearson.
  15. A winsome couple they are. More a peck than a kiss. Kate is, umm, stunning.
  16. @tomclarktv @acoyne Tom...I can reach you with my fork.
  17. @jayciejay @acoyne I'm not panicking, though I am buying, gold, ammunition and razor wire.
  18. At Public Policy Forum Dinner. CAW economist Jim Stanford about to be honoured, which makes sense. He could be next Governor of the BOC.
  19. @talkingfrog I'm surprised you don't have it. I thought it was on Shaw everywhere, free for 6 months. What you're missing!
  20. Off to do SUN TV soon with Krista. Gee...I wonder if we might talk election stuff.