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  1. Navy Seals have just been upgraded to Navy Great White Sharks
  2. Obama's poppin champagne like he won the championship game.
  3. BTW, a BUNCH of New Yorkers just shit in a box up here and mailed it to Hell - attn. Osama - c/o The Devil.
  4. Does anyone else think it's a little insensitive to talk about Osama dying so soon after the Royal Wedding?
  5. The Devil is officially pissed. He had to leave a fiddlin' competition down in Georgia early to file is Osama paperwork.
  6. I've waited years to send Osama Bin Laden to Hell. I'm going to enjoy this.
  7. Keep your head up, Osama. LMAO!
  8. Satan just told me he's lining up 72 virgins for Osama. First up? Gary Coleman!
  9. Hey Osama....GOTCHA MUTHAFUCKER!!!
  10. Pulp Fiction is the reason my wallet says "BAD MOTHER FUCKER"
  11. The only thing he can contort and twist more than the truth is his hair #Trumpfact
  12. I guess all of us who are still up are saying fuck church tomorrow, yeah?
  13. #wwjd?....yer mom. #boomroasted
  14. Traded the crown of thorns in for a Burger King crown. Sweet relief.
  15. I know the Jews aren't into Easter but I wonder if they have a soft spot for Gold Brick Eggs?
  16. #thatminiheartattackwhen Lady Gaga's "Judas" comes on
  17. Some of you guys are saying some nasty things about my Dad. And I just want to let you know they're all true.
  18. I bet when twitter sends out an email that says "You're now being followed by Jesus" it's got to freak you the fuck out.