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  1. Back in the office after some decompression time... so strange to be back. so strange not to be tagging my tweets #elxn41
  2. Alright tweeps. I'm offline for a couple days. Need a time out from twitter for a bit!
  3. Landing in Ottawa. Goodbye #elxn41. What a ride!
  4. @sheilagervais interesting. I'm sure there will be a lot of soul-searching now.
  5. @sheilagervais no one is saying they won't
  6. Many tears in this room as Ignatieff wraps his final press conference #elxn41
  7. Ignatieff announces he's stepping down as leader, #LPC caucus will meet next week to decide on next steps. #elxn41
  8. Ignatieff about to hold a press conference. Two English questions, two French questions #elxn41
  9. Harper is jubilant #elxn41
  10. Ignatieff has lost his Toronto riding to Conservative Bernard Trottier. #elxn41
  11. Ignatieff will speak at a press conference in Toronto tomorrow at 10 am. #elxn41
  12. Room is emptying out fast. Lots of tears. Many, many staffers are losing their jobs tonight #elxn41
  13. Many #LPC staffers hugging and crying outside. Very sad moments to watch. #elxn41
  14. Innes asks Liberals to stay involved#elxn41
  15. Ignatieff coming out sooner. He will address supporters in 3-5 minutes #elxn41
  16. Introducing Christine Innes now #elxn41
  17. Expressing "profound gratitude" to all #LPC candidates who ran #elxn41
  18. #LPC party national director Ian Mackay addressing crowd #elxn41