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  1. The substance of the argument does not change: Mr. Ignatieff said today he will try to become PM even if he loses the election.
  2. The CBC transcript distributed by CP was wrong. We've since reviewed the tape to confirm the mistake. We are updating our Coalition Watch.
  3. @ShirleeEngel We used the transcript provided by the Canadian Press.
  4. @CBCTerry Not true that we cut the reference. We used the Canadian Press transcript. CBC is a subscriber, I believe. Easy to verify.
  5. @reutersLjungg Then you should know they had no intention of supporting the Budget. They were clearly intent on forcing an election.
  6. @CBCTerry Not true. We used the original Canadian Press transcript. Check it out for yourself.
  7. @reutersljungg $2,000 Family Caregiver Tax Credit, Helmets 2 Hardhats initiative for veterans, increase in the Guaranteed Income Supplement
  8. @reutersljungg Extension of the EcoEnergy retrofit program, loan forgiveness for doctors and nurses who practice in rural communities....
  9. @reutersljungg Shall we go over what was in Budget 2011, the Next Phase of the Economic Action Plan? #elxn41
  10. Leaving a clear choice @reutersljungg: a stable, national, majority CPC Govt or an Igantieff-led Coalition supported by the NDP and BQ
  11. @reutersljungg, more like Michael Ignatieff, the NDP, and the Bloc Quebecois have no intention of supporting any Conservative Budget.
  12. @reutersljungg Gilles Duceppe: «Ce budget était inacceptable, il le sera tout autant dans l'avenir.» (La Presse, April 4).
  13. @reutersLjungg "... if it is the same one that was rejected by the three opposition parties last week." (National Post, March 31).
  14. @reutersLjungg "Michael Ignatieff has said he would not be able to support a Conservative budget..."
  15. @reutersLjungg Jack Layton: "I can't see voting for the same thing we voted against weeks ago.” (CPAC, April 5).
  16. @reutersLjungg All three oppo leaders said they will vote against a CPC Budget if Stephen Harper re-elected with minority govt. #elxn41
  17. @reutersLjungg "...then we try and form a government."
  18. @reutersLjungg “And if the Governor General wants to call on other parties or myself, for example to try and form a government..."
  19. @reutersLjungg "...and I’m assuming that Parliament comes back, then it goes to the Governor-General"