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  1. It figures a mathematician would get me past the magic 5K follower milestone. Thanks @MarkTMaclean! Its been a fun week.
  2. Thanks for the many good ideas on how to move forward in the post Allan, At Issue era. No rush on that decision. Maybe not until the fall.
  3. Bonus At Issue edition tonight after 10 Eastern but only online at Some of your tweets answered.
  4. Don't miss At Issue tonight -- special announcement at the end about one of the gang. Any guesses? Andrew, Chantal or Allan?
  5. It's Thursday and that means Allan, Andrew and Chantal. Can't wait -- what a week. What will they say about Kate's dress?
  6. Under an Afghan Sky is Mellissa Fung's riveting book about her kidnapping in Kabul 3 years ago. She joins me tonight on The National.
  7. Also tonight I give out my two annual 10K scholarships to Jr Achievement students: one from AB, one from QC. Great kids, so impressive.
  8. Guy Laliberté is one of this year's inductees into the CBHOF. Will he bring his Cirque with him? Yes.
  9. No rest on the day after -- up and prepping my annual hosting of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame Awards tonight in Toronto.
  10. My 13th fed elxn night as a reporter/anchor. Wildest: '84, most surprising: '93, tightest: '72, most unpredictable - maybe tonight. Maybe.
  11. We're here for another rehearsal this morning.
  12. How do you "rehearse" election night? Good q. Load computer with dummy results to test editorial, tech and graphic reaction time. It's fun.
  13. At Heathrow flying back for election rehearsal tonight. Lots of Canucks here saying hello and buying their discounted Will and Kate gear!
  14. Hello twitterverse! As suggested, I'm going to give this a whirl: