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  1. Multiple bodies in other graves, mixups, important people jockeying behind the scenes for the best plots. . .Arlington is like the Capitol.
  2. Interviewed a man today whose wife's grave at Arlington Cemetery turned out to be empty.
  3. Wow. This is journalism.
  4. I am actually sure the web photo is a fake. Have looked at how it was done.
  5. Rep. Peter King saw pics: "They're not going to scare people off, Nothing more than you'd expect with a person with a bullet in his head."
  6. This issue has pushed Obama to 57 per cent in polls. The pics might offend some, but wouldn't hurt domestically.
  7. WH now says Obama has decided not to release the OBL pictures. Prediction: Those pictures will nonetheless be published.
  8. Yes, a pic is all over the net. And yes, it does match up with the leaked descriptions. Hard to know if it's a fake, but what a circus.
  9. The administration is going to milk this story as long as it possibly can. Obama's numbers are up. This sure beats talking about the economy
  10. Sorry, hungry fish that are all wrestling with a terrible ethical dilemma. Chances they will all publish: One hundred per cent.
  11. It's as though the Pentagon is dangling bait over a pool of hungry fish.
  12. If they could, they'd pay for it.
  13. Such a deep ethical dilemma for the networks to wrestle with. Will they show it or won't they?
  14. Cable nets fulminating over the Bin Laden corpse shot. There's a missing eye, brain matter visible, but "is it too gruesome? You tell us."
  15. And still not a public word about Syria from the president.
  16. State Dept meanwhile says what the Syrians are doing in Deraa is barbaric, and collective punishment. But no call for Assad to step down.
  17. Actually, most here seem to assume Pakistan knew, and yet WH doesn't want Congress to cut $1.3 billion in annual funding to Pakistan
  18. Big question is still how Pakistan didn't know he was there. If they didn't, they were incompetent. If they did, well. . . .
  19. Way to fire up a conspiracy theory. Taliban already says OBL not dead, crowds chanting the same in Pakistan.
  20. Everyone is asking for video and photographs, which exist. WH says it's debating that, given the "sensitivity" of the material.