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  1. Mon: Elections Canada will prosecute ppl who transmit election results prematurely. But will it be enforcable w/ social media sites?
  2. Fri podcast: Bay Street & NDP's economic approach, the science of a kiss & intvu w/ director of The Guantanamo Trap.
  3. Time for tea, scones and a Special Royal Wedding Podcast co-hosted w/ CBC's Nancy Durham in London. #royalwedding
  4. Royal Wedding Podcast co-hosted w/ Nancy Durham Podcast is up! A must listen even if you aren't into the royal hype.
  5. Friday: As the NDP continues to surge in the polls, Bay Streeters worry the party's policies would hurt a still-fragile Cdn economy. #eln41
  6. 2mrw: Royal wedding special w/ the CBC's Nancy Durham in London to talk about the history of Westminister Abbey through voices of the past.
  7. Today's podcast is ready when you are:
  8. Wed: How should Canada deal w/ ppl accused of war crimes as alleged Serbian war criminal Branko Rogan takes stand at a citizenship hearing?
  9. Wed: We check in w/ the chief of the Roseau River First Nation which has seen 800 members evacuated to Winnipeg b/c of severe flooding.
  10. Podcast: The Sovereignty Vote & the Bloc Quebecois campaign, the Youth Vote and the mystery behind Mona Lisa's smile.
  11. Today's podcast also incl a look at the Cdn job market & how party candidates plan on making the job market better.
  12. Today's podcast includes American political writer Francis Fukuyama on why democracy doesn't flourish everywhere equally.