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  1. @Carolyn_Bennett Looks like a lot of what Members want today was discussed back in 2009. Time to implement those ideas finally.
  2. @BennyBerman reassuring isn't it? A lot more hope with less internals talking merger.
  3. @BalGosal Great to see a larger presence from you now that #elxn41 is over. :) #BGM #Brampton #cdnpoli
  4. @terry_wister Minimum 18 months from now... We need time to reflect, adjust and re-build from the ground up. Do it right. #LPC
  5. A very Happy Mothers Day to my beautiful wife, @shoegal83 ! Thank you for being you!
  6. Great take! RT @rgl_LPC: Blog: Post-election thoughts #LPC #leadership #vision #cdnpoli #rgl_LPC
  7. @CatToyOriginal nono, I'm talking manual... :) just a blade on wheels.
  8. @itsmy_party I just started using tweetdeck again now that I have two accounts... really simplifying!
  9. @electRubyDhalla Would you be able to provide me with any info on how I can do this?
  10. @electRubyDhalla I volunteered for you on election day. With the election is over, I'd like to get more involved in the local association.
  11. @JacPatterson Perception. it's not about what we've been, it's about what people think. In the future we need 2 be clear about what we are.
  12. Does anyone use those lawn mowers that don't have a motor/engine? Thoughts?