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  1. @ianangus there are at least 10 informal groups I know of out there, not sure which one this is.
  2. @acoyne I cursed under my breath on election night, every time a bad result came in "damn you Uncle Louis, damn you!"
  3. @mikewoollatt the natural law party really was screwed because of their association with that yogi who thought he could fly. Didn't end well
  4. @nspector4 don't think its old leadership quarrels - there are Chretien and Martin people supporting all potential candidates #cdnpoli
  5. @nspector4 I don't think that's it. Not even delusional Libs think we're about to form govt & yet 8-days post-elxn its all about leadership
  6. Oh wait, what's that you say? L Ian is full of shit and the notion that the LPC has been helpless to change since 84 is ludicrous? Gotcha
  7. ...I was 8 in '84 so the decision to just resign ourselves to our fate post PET would have saved me a lot of time which would have been nice
  8. ...we really should have folded up our tent and given-up 27-years ago since our demise was a done deal -subsequent leaders were powerless...
  9. If L. Ian is right and its all Trudeau's fault for Liberals demise in PQ and nationally....
  10. @cathmckenna time will tell. Not being cute, I really don't know.
  11. @GabrielWPG in specific ridings, sure but that's not why we lost.
  12. But I guess you live by the unnamed Liberal, you die by the unnamed Liberal.
  13. Every Liberal I've talked to in the last week believes we lost for lots of reasons, none of which are because of bad-luck or vote-splitting
  14. Who are these straw-men Liberals? MT @wicary: Who benefited from vote splits? @briantopp and Boessenkool debunk a Liberal lament
  15. @acoyne and I call myself Canada's greatest Jewish rapper (Drake is a close second), doesn't make it so...