Power & Politics with Evan Solomon

About the Show

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Tough, but fair, POWER & POLITICS WITH EVAN SOLOMONis the political arena where decision-makers answer the questions that matter to you. Solomon takes Canadians through the day's political news, offering a daily topical discussion of key issues. With a regular cast of star panelists, and the ever-unfolding drama of the Canadian political scene, POWER & POLITICS WITH EVAN SOLOMON is smart and unpredictable - the must-see political affairs program for Canadians everywhere.

The CBC News team plays a key role on the show, providing live reports from Parliament Hill and covering all the important aspects of Canadian government. Award-winning journalists examine political happenings, election races and policy fights from all over the country, making them relevant to all viewers, from the average viewer to the political junkie.

The conversation on POWER & POLITICS WITH EVAN SOLOMON broadens its reach by putting viewers in the middle of it all. Our unique social media tool puts viewer comments on-air in real time and viewers can weigh in by voting on our 'Ballot Box' question. The discussion then keeps going on Facebook and online at CBCNews.ca/politics, a home base for all things political.

Programming Fast Facts:

  • Power & Politics with Evan Solomon reaches close to one million Canadians every week*
  • <3.7 MILLION viewers tuned in to the Fall 2011 Season**
  • CBC.ca/Politics received a 102% increase in video streams
 *Source: BBM PPM Total Canada, Fall 2011 Ind.2+
 **Source: Omniture Site Catalyst: Total Video Views, Fall 2011

CBC Revenue Site Programming Sheet

PROGRAM NAME: Power & Politics with Evan Solomon

PROGRAM TYPE: Television Show

APPEARS ON: CBC News Network Affiliates

GENRE: CBC News Network Affiliates cbcnn highlighted


AUDIENCE FORECAST: https://publicite.radio-canada.ca/b2bfcs/content/audforecast.aspx

Audience Forecast Tool: https://publicite.radio-canada.ca/b2bfcs/content/audforecast.aspx


Tough, but fair, POWER & POLITICS WITH EVAN SOLOMONis the political arena where decision-makers answer the questions that matter to you. Solomon takes Canadians through the day's political news, offering a daily topical discussion of key issues. With a regular cast of star panelists, and the ever-unfolding drama of the Canadian political scene, POWER & POLITICS WITH EVAN SOLOMON is smart and unpredictable - the must-see political affairs program for Canadians everywhere.

The CBC News team plays a key role on the show, providing live reports from Parliament Hill and covering all the important aspects of Canadian government. Award-winning journalists examine political happenings, election races and policy fights from all over the country, making them relevant to all viewers, from the average viewer to the political junkie.

The conversation on POWER & POLITICS WITH EVAN SOLOMON broadens its reach by putting viewers in the middle of it all. Our unique social media tool puts viewer comments on-air in real time and viewers can weigh in by voting on our 'Ballot Box' question. The discussion then keeps going on Facebook and online at CBCNews.ca/politics, a home base for all things political.

Programming Fast Facts:

  • Power & Politics with Evan Solomon reaches close to one million Canadians every week*
  • <3.7 MILLION viewers tuned in to the Fall 2011 Season**
  • CBC.ca/Politics received a 102% increase in video streams
 *Source: BBM PPM Total Canada, Fall 2011 Ind.2+
 **Source: Omniture Site Catalyst: Total Video Views, Fall 2011