Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Symbol of the government of Canada

Actual spending for the Government of Canada

In 2009-10, a total of 134 federal organizations delivered programs and services that contributed to Economic, Social, International, and Government Affairs. Together, spending on these areas amounted to $219.5 billion.

Total government expenses, as presented in the Public Accounts of Canada 2010, include the following:
  • spending on public debt servicing ($29.4 billion),
  • consolidated specified purpose accounts (-0.3 billion),
  • accrual and other adjustments (15.8 billion), and
  • tax credits and repayments (9.8 billion),
This amounts to $274.2 billion which represents an increase of $41.4 billion over total expenses in 2008-09 and an increase of $15.6 million from planned expenses.

The table below provides access to further information on each outcome area. Simply click on the desired outcome area to find out more information.
Outcome Areas Planned Spending
(in thousands)
Actual Spending
(in thousands)
Economic Affairs
Income security and employment for Canadians 59,943,541 61,469,734
Strong economic growth 17,249,508 16,940,139
An innovative and knowledge-based economy 7,261,076 8,098,419
A clean and healthy environment 3,079,051 3,274,350
A fair and secure marketplace 668,945 630,568
Other Expenditures 26,036,900 25,364,704
Total for Economic Affairs 114,239,021 115,777,915
Social Affairs
Healthy Canadians 30,109,697 31,381,859
A diverse society that promotes linguistic duality and social inclusion 8,973,042 12,150,983
A safe and secure Canada 10,937,437 9,551,561
A vibrant Canadian culture and heritage 2,761,617 3,207,710
Total for Social Affairs 52,781,793 56,292,114
International Affairs
A safe and secure world through international engagement 24,061,616 22,890,710
Global poverty reduction through international sustainable development 3,794,951 4,318,440
A strong and mutually beneficial North American partnership 325,756 405,230
A prosperous Canada through global commerce 151,363 7,822,456
Total for International Affairs 28,333,686 35,436,835
Government Affairs
Well-managed and efficient government operations 8,670,050 8,653,841
A transparent, accountable and responsive federal government 2,930,290 2,142,518
Strong and independent democratic institutions 1,220,031 1,240,216
Total for Government Affairs 12,820,372 12,036,575
Spending in all outcome areas 208,174,871 219,543,439