News / Crime

’Please don’t hurt my daughter,’ Jennifer Pan’s mom begged before she was shot to death

Moments before she was shot to death, Jennifer Pan’s mother pleaded with the armed men who had invaded their Markham home to leave her daughter alone, Pan’s father told her murder trial Wednesday.

Hann Pan and Bich Ha Pan are shown in an undated photo that was entered as evidence at their daughter Jennifer's murder trial.

Hann Pan and Bich Ha Pan are shown in an undated photo that was entered as evidence at their daughter Jennifer's murder trial.

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Moments before she was shot to death, Jennifer Pan’s mother pleaded with the armed men who had invaded their Markham home to leave her daughter alone, Pan’s father told her murder trial Wednesday.

“You can hurt us but please don’t hurt my daughter,” Hann Pan, 51, said his wife Bich Ha Pan told the men he believed were there to rob his home.

One of the gunmen replied, “Don’t worry. Your daughter is very nice so I won’t hurt her,” he testified.


As he testified, his daughter kept her head bowed and used a tissue to wipe her eyes and nose, as she did when her brother told the court about having to make funeral arrangements for their mother. Hann Pan kept his eyes on the Crown prosecutor.

The Crown alleges that Jennifer Pan, now 27, planned to pay $10,000 to have her parents killed in a staged home invasion because they forced her to end her relationship with her boyfriend Daniel Wong. Jennifer Pan, Wong and three other men each face charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the trial, which began last week.

On Tuesday, Hann Pan began telling the Newmarket court on the night of Nov. 8, 2010 how he was awakened in his bedroom at gunpoint during what he believed was a robbery by three armed men.

On Wednesday, he continued the story, testifying that he and his wife were taken to the basement and made to sit on a sofa.

One of the two men holding them at gunpoint put a blanket on his head and shot him, he said. He then lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he saw his wife lying at his feet. Bich Ha Pan had been shot three times, while Hann Pan was shot twice, once in the back and once in the face, the Crown prosecutor told the jury in her opening address.

“I shook my wife and realized my wife had no movement,” Hann Pan said through a Vietnamese interpreter Wednesday.

He said he ran outside, calling for help as he bled onto a neighbour’s garage floor.

Hann Pan had earlier testified that he saw his then-24-year-old daughter speaking quietly with one of the armed intruders as he was taken from his bedroom at gunpoint.

On Wednesday, after looking at a transcript of his statement to the police, he recalled Jennifer Pan having a second conversation with the gunman where she spoke to him “like a friend.”

Hann Pan described the three gunmen as men in their twenties in black clothing and caps. He said that two were dark-skinned. The one who held him at gunpoint that night had what looked like paintball stains on his black turtleneck, he said.

Hann Pan paused at a photograph of one of the co-accused David Mylvaganam in a photo lineup shown to him by the police, according to a video shown to the court.

“I think maybe this guy,” he said. But he could not firmly identify Mylvaganam as one of the intruders.

Hann Pan testified Tuesday that his daughter wove an elaborate web of lies in the years after she graduated high school, pretending to attend university, volunteer at a hospital and live with a roommate — while actually living with her boyfriend in Ajax.

When Hann Pan found out that she was lying in September 2009, he told her to end her relationship with Wong and return to school.

“I wanted her to have a future in her hands,” he said of his reasons for wanting his daughter to pursue an education.

But the lies continued until the spring of 2010 when Hann Pan discovered that Jennifer was not working at a Walmart pharmacy as she had told him, he said in testimony elicited by Crown prosecutor Michelle Rumble.

He gave her an ultimatum: break up with Wong and go back to school, or leave with Wong and don’t come back, he said.

He also told her that for her to be with Wong, she’d have to “wait until I’m dead,” Hann Pan said.

The trial continues.

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