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  1. @RayHeard On the contrary, we're even more accessible, all over the internet.
  2. @RosieBarton Terry Pedwell.
  3. Here's the video of our little chat with #PMSH on the street in Ottawa. #cdnpoli
  4. @markusoff Yes. I don't think the PM can go anywhere without the RCMP.
  5. @SusanDelacourt To be honest, we were tipped off by the black vehicles, but he was in fact out walking.
  6. @kady Yup.
  7. #PMSH was meeting with Conservative and party staff today, took a walk down the street. Still smiling! #cdnpoli
  8. You'll never guess who I bumped into on Queen St., #PMSH himself. Says we'll know more about Commons/cabinet next week. #cdnpoli
  9. Covering the a party that wins a majority is a hoot on election night, but boy it hurts the next morning. #advil #elnx41 #cdnpoli
  10. @mbarber86 OK, that made me laugh out loud!
  11. OK....Harper speech about to begin. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  12. OK guys, the delay in the #cpc speech is a serious buzz-kill here. #elxn41
  13. We are hearing at #cpc central, "THE PROGRAM WILL BEGIN IN FIVE MINUTES." #elxn41
  14. @jodimartens Any minute now....
  15. OK, #cpc crowd has had enough of waiting...they are restless! #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  16. @WheatsheafSK Nah...government MPs wind up getting into the policy debates too. It's what happens.
  17. - This light thing above the #cpc stage looks like the mother ship is about to beam someone up.
  18. I still can't believe Quebec...the ridings where I grew up, NDP??!! Fascinating! #elxn41 #cdnpoli