Natural Resources Canada

Natural Resources Canada seeks to enhance the responsible development and use of Canada’s natural resources and the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resources products.

We are a federal institution that leads the Natural Resources portfolio and works with its partners.

We are in the process of moving our services and information to

Our current Natural Resources Canada website will remain available until the move to is complete.



Our services and information


Find information, tools and data on Canadian energy sources, energy technology and energy efficiency.


Find information on responsible mineral development, the Canadian mining industry and markets, materials technology and non-destructive testing.


Find information on Canada’s forests, innovation in the forest industry, forest fire monitoring as well as ongoing research efforts.

Earth sciences

Find information, tools and data on Canadian geography, geology, geomatics and geoscience.


Find real-time monitoring tools for earthquakes and space weather, and information about the risks of natural hazards.


Find information and regulations for Canadian explosives manufacturers, transporters, importers, sellers and users of explosives in Canada.

All of our services and information

What we are doing


Maintaining your Furnace - Video

Find out more about equipment and techniques designed to increase the energy efficiency of residential homes.

Rapidly Deployable Northern Housing - Video

Researchers at Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY Research Centre work to accelerate the advancement of energy efficient building technologies.

Video – Earthquake Research

Find out about NRCan’s earthquake research monitoring technologies including seismic and GPS networks.

Corporate information

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