Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit – While on Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit

7. While on Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit

What you need to know while receiving a disability benefit

Once you are receiving a Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefit, you need to know the following.

Can I do volunteer work or go to school?

Yes. Without having any effect on your CPP disability benefit, you can:

  • do volunteer work
  • go back to school to upgrade or complete a degree, or
  • take a re-training program.

Can I do paid work?

You can earn up to a certain amount without telling us and without losing your benefits. For 2016, this amount is $5,400 (before taxes). This amount may increase in future years.

If you earn more than the amount allowed, you must contact us.

Note: Do not delay in contacting us

If you delay in contacting us when you start working and making over the allowed amount, you might have to pay some money back. Any benefits you receive to which there is no entitlement will have to be repaid.

Can I get help to return to work?

Service Canada may be able to help you return to work through the CPP Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

Will my case be reassessed from time to time?

Your case may be reviewed from time to time. Reassessments are conducted to ensure that only eligible people receive disability benefits.

If your case is being reassessed, you may be asked to provide current medical and other information. Because everyone's medical condition and capacity to work is unique, each case is looked at individually.

Once all the necessary information has been collected, a decision to continue or stop disability benefits is made. You will always be informed of this decision in writing. When a CPP disability benefit is cancelled, any related children's benefits are also cancelled.

Note: Overpayments

If you receive benefits to which you are not entitled, you will have to pay them back.

When will my benefits stop?

A CPP disability benefit is not necessarily permanent. It is intended to partially replace your employment income for as long as your disability stops you from working at any job on a regular basis.

Your CPP disability benefit may stop if:

  • you are capable of working on a regular basis
  • you are no longer disabled
  • you turn 65 (it will automatically be changed to a CPP retirement pension)
  • you die (it is important that someone notify us about your death to avoid overpayment).

If you are receiving a CPP disability benefit when you turn 65, your disability benefit will automatically be converted to a retirement pension. You will not need to apply. Your retirement pension will be less than your disability benefit. However, you may also apply for a pension and benefits under the Old Age Security program.

When a CPP disability benefit is cancelled, any related children's benefits are also cancelled.

I went back to work but my disability has returned

If you are unable to continue working because of the same or a related disability, you can ask to have your benefit automatically restarted without having to go through the usual application process.

Note: Tax Deductions

You may ask us to have your income tax deducted each month by completing the Request for Income Tax Deductions form (ISP3520CPP).

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