Western Economic Diversification Canada
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Departmental Plans and Reports

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Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) annual reports to Parliament respond to the Government of Canada's commitments and reflect the goals set by Parliament to improve accountability for results.

Report on Plans and Priorities

WD's Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) describes departmental priorities and strategic outcomes, expected results and the associated resource requirements covering a three-year period. The RPP also provides details on human resource requirements, grants and contributions, and net program costs.

Departmental Performance Report

WD's Departmental Performance Report (DPR) outlines WD's achievements against the performance expectations and commitments as set out in WD's Report on Plans and Priorities. The DPR plays a key role in the cycle of planning, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of results through ministers to Parliament and Canadians.

Quarterly Financial Reports

WD’s Quarterly Financial Report presents timely financial information to Parliamentarians and by extension to Canadians, on how the department delivers its programs and services. The Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on Financial Resource Management, Information and Reporting requires that departments, agencies and Crown corporations publish a quarterly financial report for the first three quarters of each fiscal year, starting April 1, 2011.

Supplementary Data on Budget 2012 Implementation

Access to Information Act - WD Annual Report to Parliament

The Access to Information Act gives Canadian citizens, permanent residents and any person and corporation present in Canada a right of access to information contained in government records, subject to certain specific and limited exceptions.

Western Economic Diversification Canada's Annual Report to Parliament describes how the department administered its responsibilities under this Act during each financial year.

Privacy Act - WD Annual Report to Parliament

The Privacy Act extends to individuals the right of access to information about themselves held by the government, subject to specific and limited exceptions. This Act also protects individuals' privacy by preventing others from having access to their personal information and gives individuals substantial control over its collection, use and disclosure.

Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) Annual Report to Parliament describes how WD administered its responsibilities under these Acts during each financial year.

Five-year Evaluation Plan

WD's five-year evaluation plan for 2013-2018 will achieve 100% of evaluation coverage of all WD direct program spending during this period, as specified in the 2009 Treasury Board evaluation policy. The plan is linked to the departmental Program Activity Architecture. The evaluation projects will provide a neutral assessment of the relevance and performance of WD's program spending.