Western Economic Diversification Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Reports and Publications

The Reports and Publications available on this site have been divided into the following sections:

  • Audit and Evaluation
    Internal audit and evaluation reports of our programs, policies and initiatives. Beginning April 1, 2012 WD’s internal audit services are provided by the Office of the Comptroller General.
  • Departmental Plans and Reports
    WD's annual Reports to Parliament, including the department’s Report on Plans and Priorities and Performance Report.
  • Departmental Publications
    Publications about our programs and services and how WD’s investment in the West strengthens Innovation, Business Development and Community Economic Development.
  • Departmental Strategies
    Strategies used by WD to advance government-wide initiatives, such as Sustainable Development and Official Languages.
  • Management Accountability Framework
    Sets out the Treasury Board's expectations of senior public service managers for good public service management.