Government of Canada Open Data Metadata Element Set

The metadata elements used to describe datasets registered on the Open Canada.


Dataset Resources

Resource Name Format Language Link
Open Data Metadata Element Set CSV English Download
Open Data Metadata Element Set CSV French Download

Developer Tools

  • The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in JSON format
    Link to JSON format


  • markdiner


    I am unable to download the .csv file?

  • open-ouvert


    Our office just ran a test and we were able to successfully download the Government of Canada Open Data Metadata Element Set .csv file on our end. Would you like to submit your e-mail address to us so that we could e-mail the .csv file to you directly? Thank you. The GC Open Data team

  • Whatson


    There is a discrepancy in the descriptor and the date examples shown (descriptor yyyy/mm/dd, example 28/03/2012). I have not checked the Dublin core, but suggest that this could cause confusion...

  • open-ouvert


    Hello, Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, it seems that when the file is open in excel, the date format changes (you will notice that the date field is pushed to the right of cell which indicates a formatting change, rather than the left side). The proper format of the date field is YYYY-MM-DD, example 2012-03-28. We apologize for the confusion. Thank you. The GC Open Data team

  • jfmeunier


    The CSV document describing the Open Data Metadata Element Set does not contain all the elements that are found in the "Link to JSON format" example provided on the same page. Is there something I am missing? Thanks

  • jfmeunier


    Is there a published schema for the "JSON format" metadata describing the data?

  • open-ouvert


    Hello, You are seeing extra fields in the JSON document because it has additional information from CKAN (which is the registry for datasets on Fields such as: "relationships_as_subject” "ready_to_publish” "metadata_created” are system generated and are created by CKAN. Meaning, they are not fields that are entered by departments when they register their datasets by populating the ‘Open Data Metadata Element Set. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email us at: Thank you, The GC Open Data Team

  • Tangwe Caleb


    I am Looking to Develop an Open Data Module In my countries Government portal but i am not sure how to do It could I get Some help please

  • open-ouvert


    Thank you for your interest. We would be happy to help answer any questions you have about setting up a new open data portal in your country. Please send us your contact information and any questions you have through our "contact us" form ( Then we can send information directly to you or set up a call.

  • open-ouvert


    Thank you for your feedback. We have forwarded your comment to the dataset provider for their response.

  • Danika Ellson


    I am receiving a 404 Not Found error when attempting to download the csv file. Can someone please check the accuracy of the link?

  • open-ouvert


    Hello, Unfortunately I am unable to re-create your issue. Could you please check again, or email and I can send you the file directly? Thank you.

  • Michelle


    Hi, I am also unable to download this file. "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access/data/static/open_data_metadata-metadonees_donnees_ouvertes-EN.csv on this server". Thanks.

  • open-ouvert


    Hello. We apologize, there had been an brief internal error. Please try to download the file again. If you are still having difficulty accessing the file, email and we will send you the file directly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Rex Neville


    I am also unable to download the .CSV file. I get an HTTP 403 "Forbidden" error when trying to fetch. I suspect this file is accessible to users within some government firewall but can not be accessed from out here on the public internet.

  • open-ouvert


    Hello. We apologize, there had been an brief internal error. Please try to download the file again. If you are still having difficulty accessing the file, email and we will send you the file directly. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Baba Piprani


    I am disappointed with the content and quality of the metadata csv file . Why are there 2 CKAN terms 'language' and 'url', each with different descriptins? Why do you have 2 descriptions that are the same but for different CKAN terms? Why has url not been expanded and defined? Terms like electronic identifier not have a standard definition. The meaning and usage of the title of the column 'Domain' is not clear...why are some entries blank? I Domain used in the sense of ISO 11179-3? Definitions are circular containing the same terms with nothing new added. It appears ISO 11179-4 was not followed for definitions. Why does the column 'obligation' entry sometimes contain 2 values, e.g. mandatory, Geo or e.g. Optional; Highly Recommended? Why do some terms have no descriptions e.g. endpoint. I would rate your effort as 1 out of 10. Please revise and do justice to 'metadata'!

  • open-ouvert


    Thank you for your comment, we appreciate your feedback. We will take a look at the file and see if any improvements can be made in the future.

  • JB


    It appears the link above to the file is not pointing to an available page.

  • open-ouvert


    Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, we are unable to reproduce your error, as we are able to download the file without an issue. If you email we can send you the file directly. We apologize for the inconvenience.