Contact GCSurplus

Do you have any questions or comments about our services or products? Here’s how to contact us.

  • Before filling out this form please review the privacy notice statement

    Privacy notice

    Provision of the personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act and the Surplus Crown Assets Act, for the purpose of allowing you to view, bid on and buy government surplus items online.

    Personal information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act and is described in the Personal Information Bank Buyer Information Crown Asset PPU 026. Under the Act, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal information, if erroneous or incomplete.

    If you require clarification about this statement, you can contact the PSPC Privacy Director by email at; by phone at 873-469-3721, or by regular mail at the following address: Privacy Director, Place du Portage, Phase III, 5C1, 11 Laurier St, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0S5.

    For more general information on privacy issues and the Privacy Act, please visit the Privacy Commissioner website or call 1-800-282-1376.

Email form

I have read the privacy notice statement and I am aware of my rights and I submit all the above information freely.

Other requests

For all other requests for information from Public Services and Procurement Canada, visit the department’s contact us page