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Our Services

The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (CICS) is a neutral conference support body which provides the administrative services required for the planning and conduct of federal-provincial-territorial or provincial-territorial conferences or meetings of First Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

Working with CICS is the best way to ensure the success of your event. We offer a wide range of services that can be tailored to meet your needs, from assisting with venue selection, to conference registration and multi-media support.

With more than 40 years’ experience in planning and supporting intergovernmental conferences, we can help you identify the elements that will suit your event’s particular needs and provide whatever level of support you require. CICS keeps detailed files on all meetings for at least three years–information that often comes in handy when planning future events.

Who can use CICS and who pays for the services it provides?

CICS services are available to any federal, provincial or territorial department that organizes an intergovernmental meeting of First Ministers, Ministers or Deputy Ministers.

The host government is responsible for the costs of conference rooms and hospitality events; CICS covers the cost of most other conference services. CICS is financed by both the Government of Canada (through parliamentary appropriations) and by the provinces (through contributions).

To request our services, please contact our Director of Conference Services at 613-995-4328. We look forward to working with you on your next event!