Submit your Online Complaint

Submit your Complaint Online

If you are a client of Veterans Affairs Canada and you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you would like information about how to solve a problem, the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman is here to help.

Veterans Ombudsman's Blog

My best wishes for the holiday season

The holidays are a time for celebration with family and friends. This time of year, I think about our Veterans, serving members and their families. Click here to read my holiday greeting.

Delays to Veterans' road to wellness

I have been asking VAC to reimburse NVC Veterans for their treatment costs back to date of application - the way they are being treated is unfair! Read my blog to learn more.

My Thoughts on Veterans Week and Remembrance Day

Veterans are tightly woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Once a year during Veterans Week and on Remembrance Day, we have the opportunity to reach out to them, to honour them for their sacrifices and to thank them for their service to Canada. Click to read about one of the many people that I honour at this time of year.

Success Stories

VIP going astray

VIP reimbursements of a surviving spouse had gone missing in recent months without explanation. The client’s September reimbursement had already been issued to her twice, and had to be ...

Light Therapy for Depression

A Veteran was recommended light therapy by two physicians as treatment for a pensioned condition. VAC denied the coverage as the device was not on their benefits grid. Following discussion with ...

Permanent Impairment Allowance Approved

A Veteran applied to the Rehabilitation Program and at the same time submitted an application for the Permanent Impairment Allowance (PIA). The PIA application was declined because the ...

An Outstanding Ambulance Bill is Paid

A Veteran contacted the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman because he had an outstanding ambulance bill that had been sent to a collection agency. The Veteran had submitted the bill to Veterans ...

Significant Increase in Disability Assessment

A Veteran contacted the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman because he was unsatisfied with the initial (interim) assessment of 28 percent that he had received for several major injuries sustained ...

Government of Canada activities and initiatives

Tell visiting family and friends about eTA

Canada's entry rules have changed. Starting November 10, 2016, if your family or friends plan to fly to Canada, they may need an eTA before they board their flight.

#Budget2017 Consultations Begin!

Share your ideas on how to strengthen Canada's middle class and how to grow our economy over the long term.

Have your Say! Political activities of charities

We want to hear from you! The Canada Revenue Agency is seeking your feedback on its political activities guidelines for registered charities.