Page principale du site Web officiel de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada

The Farm Products Council of Canada has two main roles in dealing with national marketing agencies.

  • Expertise:  The Council is a source of expertise for the Government of Canada. It advises the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food on all aspects of the marketing agencies including their creation and operation, and it promotes an efficient and competitive agriculture industry.

  • Supervision:  The Council supervises the operations of national marketing agencies to ensure that each one accomplishes what it was set up to do: promote a strong, efficient, and competitive production and marketing industry, and operate in the interests of producers and consumers.

In its operations, the Council consults the agencies as well as provincial and territorial governments and other departments and agencies of the Government of Canada. The Council approves agency orders and regulations. It also hears complaints about agency decisions.

Egg Farmers of Canada (EFC)

Chicken Farmers of Canada (CFC)

Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC)

Canadian Hatching Egg Producers (CHEP)