Canadian Dairy Commission
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Orientation Session for Decision-makers of the Dairy Industry


The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) offers this on-line Orientation Session to anyone with a genuine interest in the workings of the Canadian milk supply management system. It is a great training tool for
• producer and processor representatives on the various industry committees
• government employees dealing with the dairy industry
• employees of lending institutions or input companies who have dairy producers as clients.

The Orientation Session is composed of 9 modules.



  Directives 2
1 Overview of key players 15
2 How farm gate prices of milk are established 10
3 Market sharing quota 20
4 The Special Milk Class Permit Program 10
5 Surplus Removal 7
6 Pooling 22
7 Imports of Dairy Products 6
8 Exports of Dairy Products 5
9 Domestic Seasonality Programs 5

Please Note:

Due to the evolution of the industry, the following modules are no longer entirely up-to-date:

  • Module 2
  • Module 3
  • Module 5
  • Module 8

The CDC will update the modules as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.


After completing the modules, you should be able to
1a. identify and distinguish the main agreements and bodies that make decisions and understand the role of each.

1b. explain the relationship between demand, quota and production, the effect of skim-off on demand, and the effect of surplus removal and Special Classes on farm revenues.

2a. evaluate various scenarios and explain their potential impact on the elements of the dairy supply management system.
2b. anticipate the impact of certain policy decisions on the various elements of the supply management system.

Technical requirements

To prevent sound delays and allow for a good viewing of the modules, your system should meet the following requirements:

Internet Explorer version 6 or higher
Adobe Flash Player
A minimum screen resolution of 1024x768
A sound card
Head phones or speakers
A video card

If your Internet connexion is too slow to view the modules online, we suggest that you order the CD-ROM version. The requirements for the CD-ROM version are the same as above.

Getting started

To have access to the session, you first need to register on line. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a user name and a password that will give you access to the modules.

Registration is free.