Military history, honours and remembrance

Canada’s military history, past wars and operations. Find Canadian medals and badges. Plan a visit to a memorial or museum in your area. View artwork and films about Canada’s military history. Honour the achievements and sacrifices of those who served.



Military history

Search significant events in Canada’s military history and find historical records about our military operations.

Wars and operations

Wars, missions and operations of Canada’s armed forces.

Honours, medals and awards

Canadian military honours, orders, decorations and medals. Apply for a medal or order a replacement.


Commemorative events, memorials and programs that honour Canadian soldiers and their sacrifices.

Ranks, badges, flags and insignia

Military ranks and insignia of the Canadian Armed Forces, including badges, colours, flags and banners.

Memorials, monuments and cemeteries

Memorials and monuments to remember the men and women who served Canada.

Educational resources

Lesson plans, fact sheets, teachers’ guides and learning activities about Canada’s military history.

Military museums, art and films

Canada’s military history in museums, artwork and films. Plan a visit to a museum near you.

What we are doing


Hometown Heroes

Get to know the remarkable stories of individuals from all walks of life who made unique contributions to the war effort.

Fields of Sacrifice

Watch this poetic documentary which honours Canadian sacrifice during the First and Second World War

William Redver Stark

Read and view life on the Lines with the 1st Battalion of Canadian Railway Troops.

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