

Read about why Canada is a world leader in mining, including details on the broad benefits of mining to society and how mining contributes to the economies of developing countries.

Discover what the largest research centre in Canada dedicated to fabricating, processing, and evaluating metals and materials is up to.

Mining/Materials Resources
Find links to resources such as publications, statistics, the Kimberly Process for Rough Diamonds, or Certified Reference Materials.

NRCan National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body
Find out about the three major categories of non-destructive testing (NDT) and the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) NDT Certification Body. You can also read about NDT certified personnel, including who is currently certified by NRCan.

Minerals and Metals Markets
Find out what kind of research and analysis NRCan does and how it helps with policy and program development with respect to the minerals, metals, and materials industries.

Start here if you are interested in statistics related to mineral exploration, mineral production, and mineral trade.

Certified Reference Materials
Discover NRCan’s Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project, which prepares and certifies reference materials used by various industries. You can order a catalogue of materials.

Mining/Materials Publications
Scroll through a list of our most recent publications, including key facts and information bulletins. Additional materials, grouped by theme, are also available to download.

Most Recent Publications


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Read about NRCan’s Explosives Safety and Security Branch.

Find out about various types of fireworks and what you need to legally use them in Canada.