Relations Canada - Gambie

Relations Canada - Gambie

Diplomatic Relations

Canada and The Gambia established diplomatic relations in 1966, soon after the country gained its independence in 1965. Relations between both countries are limited. Canada encourages The Gambia in the respect of human rights as well as responsible and inclusive governance.

Canada in The Gambia

In The Gambia, Canada is represented by the Embassy of Canada in Dakar, in Senegal.

The Gambia in Canada                  

The Gambia is represented in Canada by the Embassy of The Gambia in Washington D.C., United States of America.

Common Memberships

  • United Nations                                              

Trade and Investments

Trade Relations

In 2015, bilateral merchandise trade between Canada and The Gambia amounted to $1 million, being $842,000 in exports and $158,000 in imports to Canada. 

The Gambia’s Students in Canada

In 2015, 87 Gambian students had a valid permit to study in Canada.

Development and Humanitarian Assistance

In 2014-2015, total Canadian aid disbursements reached $2.8 million. In 2015-2016, the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) of the Embassy of Canada in Dakar financed three projects on the prevention of child, early and forced marriage as well as on the question of gender in the media. See Project Browser for additional information on programming in The Gambia. 

Other Relevant Information

May 2016

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