Licensing feed mills

From February 9 to April 9, 2015, we consulted with you (grain producers, feed mills, licensed grain companies and industry stakeholders) on our proposal to licence feed mills.

We are considering licensing feed mills in order to expand producer payment protection to producer deliveries to feed mills in western Canada.

Under this proposal, feed mills may be required to provide security as a condition of licensing. Payment protection may only apply to eligible deliveries for the 20 grains defined in the Canada Grain Regulations.

Comment period ended

On April 9, 2015, our Licensing feed mills consultation, ended. We thank all of those who gave us their comments. We will keep you informed.

Summary of feedback


Canadian Grain Commission
600-303 Main Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 3G8

Telephone: 1-800-853-6705
Fax: 204-983-2751

Discussion paper

Comment period ended. The document is provided for reference purposes only.

The discussion paper includes all of the details of our proposal, including how we may implement our proposal. As well, it explains how to provide your input. Please review this document before providing input on our proposal.