Parks Canada is committed to implementing green initiatives at national parks, national historic sites, and national marine conservation areas. Through the rejuvenation of contaminated sites, the use of conservation practices, and innovation projects, Parks Canada continues to ensure that Canadians may enjoy their treasured sites in the most eco-friendly way possible. In minimizing the environmental impact at our sites, Parks Canada hopes to encourage Canadians in promoting clean air, clean water and sustainable land use.


A biker rushing along the bike path that follows the Lairet River in Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site, with a view of the river and the city in the background.
From dump to destination: Revitalizing Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site

After years of hard work and dedication, Parks Canada has given new life to an historic site in the heart of Quebec City and revitalized an aquatic ecosystem. (See full story)

Read more rejuvenation success stories


Close up of the new solar panel for the base camp at Île aux Oiseaux, Mingan National Park Reserve.
The power of the sun! Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve switches to solar energy

Cleaner, quieter, and more convenient: Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada benefits from an energy saving retrofit. (See full story)

Read more conservation success stories


A view of the entrance area to the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified Gulf Islands National Park Reserve Operation Centre at dusk, with the harbour in the background.
Reaching for the sky! Building achieves Canada’s highest certification for environmental sustainability

When Gulf Islands National Park Reserve was established in 2003, Parks Canada saw the perfect opportunity to build the most environmentally-friendly federal building in the country. (See full story)

Read more innovation success stories

Sustainable development