Spread the Word

You're back home - you had an amazing time and want to let everyone know! How can you "unpack" your thoughts and share your feelings? Why not write an article for your local newspaper? Or do a radio interview? Blog about your experiences. You get the idea. Here are examples of what others have done, and helpful tips for spreading the word.

Tell Your Story


Getting Started

Think of an idea — a focus around which you can centre your story.

For example, you could write a story about your experiences at Encounters with Canada for your local community media — your local newspaper, community TV and/or radio stations, your school newspaper, and/or your Member of Parliament’s bulletin or website.

Here are a few examples of some recently published articles on the EWC experience. We hope you find them inspiring!


Best Field Trip Ever!
By Ken Purvis, 23-year volunteer; recruiter and provincial coordinator for BC
Encountering Arts and Culture in Ottawa
By Shanae Blaquiere, H. Hardcastle School Student, Saskatchewan
Encounters with Canada - Sports & Fitness
by Lisa Redel, 2014 Sports & Fitness participant

Useful Resources

Encounters with Canada is defined by the people who attend, support and care about it. Those who have been through the program know that the memories they have created will last a lifetime. Share your enthusiasm for Encounters with others by sharing EWC’s promo material!

Sometimes spreading the word is as simple as printing one of our information brochures to pass along to a friend. Contact us if you’d like to receive multiple copies. Or share our promotional video with your class!

Thank you for sharing the word!

Brochures and Information