Vice-President, Research and Collections

Mark Graham.

Contact Information

Tel: 613.566.4743
Fax: 613.364.4027

Leadership for research and collections in the museum community.


  • Museum management, museology.
  • Museum-based research.
  • Animal physiology.
  • Animal husbandry.
  • Biodiversity conservation, informatics, policy.


  • Ph.D., Experimental Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1985.
  • B.Sc., Marine Biology, University of Guelph, 1980.


Mark Graham is an experimental biologist who has used fish to understand the impact of environmental changes on living systems. His training and experience have allowed him to research in the field and in laboratories alongside the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. For more than 25 years, he has worked in the museum community, developing and promoting natural-history research and collections for the public and many other stakeholders.

Graham's philosophy of openly sharing research findings has resulted in the entry of over 200 museum publications into the Biodiversity Heritage Library, international support and participation in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, and the creation of a data portal for museum specimens.

Professional Services

  • Co-chair, Federal Biodiversity Collections Working Group.
  • Member, IUCN Commission on Environmental Management, Arctic Ecosystem Theme.
  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship.
  • 2nd Vice Chair, Executive Committee, Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
  • Co-chair, Coordination Mechanism, Global Taxonomy Initiative.
  • Canadian Focal Point, Global Taxonomy Initiative.


Graham, M. (2005). The Global Taxonomy Initiative. The Canadian Botanical Association Bulletin 38(3): 35-36. (33 Kb PDF).

Canadian Taxonomy: Exploring Biodiversity, creating opportunity. 2010. Canadian Council of Academies. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).


Alliance of Natural History Museums of Canada (Website consulted September 13, 2016)

Canadian Biodiversity Information Partnership (Website consulted September 13, 2016)

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Website consulted September 13, 2016)

Global Taxonomy Initiative (Website consulted September 13, 2016)

Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship (Website consulted September 13, 2016)

Royal Canadian Geographical Society (Website consulted September 13, 2016)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


Graham, M. 2012. The future of museum: authentic, trusted, accessible. Museum/iD, 10:39. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).

Graham M. and D. Jomphe. 2010. A museum and a University co-staff a research scientist. J. Museum Management and Curatorship, 25(1):107-116. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).

Graham, M. 2009. Museums and the far reaches of the world: museum-based research and outreach during the International Polar Year/Les muse et les confines du monde : recherché muséale et activités de diffusion externe des musées pendant l'année polaire international. Muse, March/April:22-27/30-35.

Graham, M. and Baird, R. (2007). Focus on Museums: Collecting, Collating and Careers. The Canadian Museum of Nature in the Molecular Era. Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoology 38(3): 18-19. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).

Graham, M. (2005). The Global Taxonomy Initiative. Canadian Botanical Association Bulletin 38(3): 35-36. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).

Graham, M. (2005). Assessing Priorities: Research at Museums. Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship 20: 287-291. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).

Johnson, M., Poulin, M. and Graham, M. (2003). Towards an Integrated Approach to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Lessons Learned from the Rideau River Biodiversity Project. Human Ecological Review 10(1): 40-55. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).

Graham, M. (2001). Research Careers at Natural Science Museums in Canada. Science Career Magazine. (Website consulted September 13, 2016).