Coaching Association of Canada


Baseball Canada offers the following NCCP workshops. Please click the download button to view a PDF with more information. 

Coach Initiation in Baseball: Welcome to the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)! This Coach Initiation in Baseball online module is a first step on your coaching pathway in the NCCP. If you are a new coach or a parent interested in getting involved in coaching, this online module is the perfect way to set yourself up for success.

The Coach Initiation in Baseball online module is designed as an important introduction to the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP. Coaches will learn the fundamentals of coaching and baseball as it explores topics including long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. Coach Initiation in Baseball includes specific sections to further educate coaches in skill development of young baseball athletes including throwing and receiving, base-running, game strategies, and hitting. The module remains an excellent informational resource for coaches which they can revisit at any time after successful completion of the module.

Access this fundamental resource, which will take approximately 2 hours to complete, for only $37.45 on Baseball Canada’s website by clicking here.

Please note: all coaches must complete this module prior to taking any other NCCP baseball clinics.

Initiation Coach Clinic: Once you’ve completed the Online Initiation module, this facilitated clinic allows you to continue to learn the fundamentals of baseball, safety and ethical decision-making skills, and how to develop an emergency action plan.

To see when these clinics are being offered in your region, please click here.

Regional Coach Clinics:

Skills Analysis: Detect and correct errors in your athletes’ basic baseball skills (including throwing, receiving, hitting and running.


Teaching & Learning: Improve your teaching skills and provide a more positive experience for your athletes. Topics include organization, explanations, demos, supervision and feedback.


Planning: Build a practice that meets the needs of athletes based on skill level, competition level and age. Learn to structure a practice and design a season plan.


Provincial Coach Clinics:

Pitching & Catching: Learn basic pitching mechanics, fundamentals for catchers, and how to make proper adjustments during games.


Strategies: Learn basic baseball strategies including signals, line-up, positioning, steal, hit & run and other tactical aspects. Strategies are linked to athletes’ developmental stages.


To see when these clinics are being offered in your region, please click here.

Instructor – Beginner: This program is designed to provide valuable and accessible resources and training to instructors who are working with children aged 10 to 16 years old in an instruction/lesson format. Instructors can be trained and certified in five different specialties (hitting, pitching & catching, infielding, outfielding and baserunning).

For more information on these clinics, please click here.