
Request Number Request Text (The texts below are published how they were received)

Please provide copies of English and French language documents, memos, emails, and spreadsheets pertinent to the shutdown of the Saskatoon analogue over the air television station CBKST, specifically:

  • site-specific cost estimates for installing a DTV transmitter at the CBKST site,
  • financial justifications and cost-saving estimates relating to the CBKST closure,
  • specific restructuring costs, personnel reduction details, proceeds from site sales,
  • and reductions in recurring expenses, all related to the CBKST closure.

The date range should encompass 2006-2017 inclusively

A-2017-00069 I would like to request documents containing data/statistics allowing me to see, for each host of a news or current affairs program produced in French by CBC/Radio-Canada in Quebec, the host’s gender and annual compensation, including base salary (or, if applicable, the corresponding salary range) and bonuses received – including for overtime buyout and reputation. For each host, specify the program hosted and the job location.
A-2017-00035 I request a list of all persons employed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. For each person identified, I would like the following additional information:

(a) their job title and any other specialized titles related to their position;
(b) the date of first employment as well as end of employment if applicable;
(c) their most recent place of primary employment;
(d) the classification of their position; and,
(e) and the salary range of their position.

I would like this information in an electronic spreadsheet format.
A-2017-00025 Provide copies of all documents allowing me to see, for your department/agency:
A list of all documents showing the number of public servants, former employees and retired managers holding casual or full-time jobs within the public service or your organization in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 to date, May 20 (separately), excluding confidential information. If applicable, provide copies of all forms or files related to pensioners holding casual or full-time jobs at CBC/Radio-Canada in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 to date, May 20 (separately), excluding confidential information.
A-2017-00017 The science of psychology has established that virtually everyone is biased in numerous ways, and virtually no one thinks they are biased.
Bias on the part of CBC management, producers and on-air talent has an effect on News & Public Affairs programming -Does the CBC have any training programs to help employees detect their personal biases? If so, please provide information on the training programs, including dates and places of implementation.

Clarification received on May 30, 2017:
Training topics, dates and places will answer some questions. Please also advise names and positions of those taking the training.
A-2017-00011 The estimated costs/budget/expenditures to produce "Canada: The Story of Us" series. Include costs of specific consultants, actors. Including 2017 briefing notes to the CBC President and Canadian Heritage Minister on criticisms of series to date. Include summaries of those criticisms and responses prepared to criticisms, either drafted or sent. Other records released/to be released.

Clarification received by CAC via telephone on April 25, 2017:

"With reference to the last sentence in his/her request: "Other records released/to be released" the requester would like to know if there are other access to information requests that have been processed or that are being processed with the same subject matter within the ATIP shop at CBC/Radio-Canada".

I would like access to an electronic dataset of all access to information requests received since January 1, 2015. Please include fields containing the following information: request number, request summary,

Type of requester (academic, media, etc), whether sensitive or contentious request, date received, date request completed, disclosure decision, reason for time extension, extension duration in days, and exemptions applied.


I would like to request a copy of documentation relating the CBC's past and present Journalistic Policies as well as the Journalistic Standards and Practices. Of particular interest are the policies which were active and/or initiated while AI Johnson served as CBC president from 1975-1982. As such policies likely extended beyond Mr. Johnson's presidency, I would like to request any versions and or updates from the time of Mr. Johnson's Presidency to present day. Please note my terminology "CBC Journalistic Policies" as well as "Journalistic Standards and Practices" may not be correct for all time periods. As such I wish to make clear the spirit of my request which is to obtain CBC all available versions of regulations/polices/rules and codes of conduct etc. pertaining to the production, commissioning, research and broadcast of docudramas on the CBC from 1977 to present day.

Clarification received by CAC via telephone on March 31, 2017:

  • The requester confirmed that he is looking for Television related information.

Clarification received by CAC via telephone on April 13, 2017:

  • On this date the the requester confirmed he only wishes to receive the information and documents collected so far in answer to his/her request and does not wish to broaden its scope to include the program policies.

Provide copies of all documents, including data/statistics, allowing me to see the number of redundant employees at Radio-Canada for the year 2016. Indicate the total salaries paid in 2016 to these redundant Radio-Canada employees.

Clarification received by email by CAC on March 29, 2017:

  • The requestor wants to obtain information for CBC as well. He also wants the same information, but broken down by CBC and Radio-Canada for 2016. Lastly, the requestor wants the same information for 2017 to date.
A-2016-00137 Provide copies of all documents held by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation allowing me to see the number of women and number of men working for Radio Canada and for the CBC for each of following years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
A-2016-00130 Is it possible to have an up-to-date organizational chart showing the employees, companies and people responsible for content creation at CBC/Radio-Canada?
A-2016-00124 Provide a census of diverse employees working for CBC/Radio-Canada.
A-2016-00117 Provide any and all documents summarizing complaints received by the CBC/Radio-Canada Ombudsman for the year 2016 for the region of Quebec and Ontario.

Find out the nature of the relationship between CBC/Radio-Canada and the CRTC, as well as the frequency of communication between their personnel.
Clarification received by email February 1, 2017:

  • From March 16, 2015, to date.
  • including any and all emails, memos, documents, text messages or electronic information related to the request
A-2016-00075 Provide copies of any documents, including e-mails, memos, reports, etc. regarding the size of CBC/Radio Canada's delegation for the upcoming 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC in Marrakesh in November.
A-2016-00074 Provide copies of any documents, including e-mails, correspondence, text or Instant messages, Blackberry PINs, memos, etc. regarding media accreditation for the upcoming 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC in Marrakesh in November, since June 1, 2016.

Please provide copies of all documents regarding the development and continuing high-level policy decisions of the CBC Digital Archives (2001 present). Exclude all routine correspondence and technical records on the website's design, coding, etc. Only interested in the high-level policies or strategies dictating the type of content uploaded to the website, as well as any reports measuring the success of the CBC Digital Archives (ie. annual reports). I would also be interested in any formal agreements between CBC Digital Archives it's partners. If (and only if) the above information is limited, please provide any email correspondence at the director's level discussing the development of the CBC Digital Archives (continued progress). When bilingual documents exist, please provide english version.

Clarification received by email on October 27, 2016:

  • Documents from “English Services” and “Library and Archives” departments.
  • I am really interested in the initial impetus or vision for the website, but would also like a brief survey of current policies in order to measure any change. Timeframe 2001-2003, and then 2015 to present.

Amendment made by phone with YMN Mar. 01/17:
Please exclude from scope all pages requiring consultations with institutions other than Canadian Heritage.

A-2016-00053 "Copy of RFP MTIS20150620 - Sale of Bowen Island Transmission Assets".
A-2016-00049 Provide copies of all documents allowing me to see CBC/Radio-Canada’s workforce/employees and the total payroll ($________) for each of the following years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to date, August 11.
A-2016-00048 Provide copies of all documents allowing me to see the number of overtime hours and the total amounts paid ($_________) to CBC/Radio-Canada employees for each of the following years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to date, August 11.
A-2016-00047 Provide copies of all documents in CBC/Radio-Canada’s possession that allow me to see the total amounts paid in bonuses, severance packages and allowances for each of the following years: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to date, August 11.
The documents should show the number of employees who were awarded bonuses, severance packages and allowances, the total value per category ($_________) paid out in bonuses, severance packages, allowances, etc.

I am doing research to advance employer-supported volunteer schemes and would appreciate receiving the following:

1. Documents, including any policy document(s), describing all current forms of support given to employees in your government institution to undertake volunteering outside of their day to day responsibilities. If these documents are not applicable to all employees, please indicate to which group(s) of employees each document applies.

Support could be, for example, paid time off to volunteer, flexible work arrangements to volunteer, information about volunteer opportunities in the community (through an Internet website, an Intranet website, information sessions, volunteer fairs, e-newsletter, volunteer-related messages to interested employees, etc.), group volunteering facilitation, individual volunteer matching with community organisations, pool of volunteers for community organisations to draw from, skilled volunteer facilitation, professional development through a community service learning approach, international volunteering facilitation, volunteer recognition awards, articles showcasing employees' volunteering stories, etc.

2. Document containing the name, as well as the work title, telephone number, e-mail address and physical address, of the public servant(s) coordinating your institution's employer-supported volunteer scheme.

A-2016-00032 "Any and all e-mails, memos, documents, text messages or electronic information related to the selection of the firms Brookfield and Avison for their involvement in the sale of the Maison Radio Canada building in Montreal and the construction and leasing of any new buildings on the Maison Radio-Canada property in Montreal."

We are seeking a list of companies that have been used to purchased copy paper by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, for 2015 (January to December) and 2016 (January to date), with the following information: vendor name and contact information, amount paid.

On June 29, 2016, the requester amended the text of his/her request as follow: Under the Access to Information Act, we are seeking a list of companies that were awarded tenders or purchases orders (you may also supply invoices) for toner and copy paper for 2015 ( January to December) and 2016 (January to date), with the following information: vendor name and contact information, amount paid.

A-2015-00102 "Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefing notes, e-mails, correspondence, etc. regarding any discussions about sponsorships or coverage to mark David Suzuki's 80th Birthday, since January 1, 2016."
A-2015-00098 I am asking for the data from my previous request (A-2015-00087/JRC), but broken down by year.
A-2015-00096 Provide copies of any communications plan/issues management strategies prepared by CBC for monitoring and responding to developments at the Jian Ghomeshi trial, since January 1, 2015.
A-2015-00093 We are requesting a list of the following information, regarding what suppliers print and produce your offices letterhead and envelopes.
-Name of the supplier
-The mailing adress of the supplier
-The amount spent, from January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2016 on having envelopes and letterhead printed for your office.
A-2015-00089 Provide copies of all documents, including e-mails, memos, media lines, etc., regarding the departure of CBC staff to go to work for the federal government, since October 20, 2015.

I am requesting any report(s) or review(s) of the CBC's and Radio-Canada's diversity numbers. By diversity numbers, I mean any document that breaks down employee's racial, ethnic and gender diversity.

Clarification received by email on January 12, 2016:

I am requesting any report(s) or review(s) of the CBC's and Radio-Canada's diversity numbers. By diversity numbers, I mean any document that breaks down employee's racial, ethnic and gender diversity. Time Frame January 1, 2010 to January 11, 2016.

Clarification received by telephone on January 20, 2016:

I am requesting any report(s) or review(s) of the CBC's and Radio-Canada's diversity numbers. I would like to focus in the "Visible minorities" category and ask for any report or review that would contain subcategories (such as the ones in Statistics Canada "Chinese, South Asian, Black, Filipino, etc). Finally I would like to know how these numbers are divided between Radio-Canada and CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Time Frame January 1, 2010 to January 11, 2016.

A-2015-00082 Correspondence sent by the new Minister of Heritage or her office since she was sworn in, to CBC's Chairperson, CEO or any of CBC's Vice Presidents.
A-2015-00081 Correspondence sent to the new Minister of Heritage or her office since she was sworn in, by CBC's Chairperson, CEO or any of CBC's Vice Presidents.
A-2015-00080 Correspondence sent to the CEO and / or the Chairperson of CBC's Board of Directors about the A that CBC recently received from the Information Commissioner.
A-2015-00067 Toronto Broadcasting Centre: Provide copy of accounting, financial, management and planning records indicating the detailed labor and materials costs associated with the creation, design, production, construction, building, erection, assembly and disassembly of the studio mounted in the ATRIUM for the sole purpose of reporting live the results and analysis of the 2015 Federal General Election on October 19, 2015. Associated costs for the purchase or rental of electrical, electronic and audio-visual equipment; lighting equipment, tubular structure and other construction materials are requested. Labor costs, including over-time costs for persons assigned or hired (architects, sound and lighting technicians, and trades persons) are requested.

Obtain full copies of all records showing all CBC-owned buildings/properties across Canada that were sold between January 1, 2006 and today, October 17, 2015. The records should allow me to see the initial asking price and selling price of each CBC-owned property, as well as those properties that are currently up for sale but still unsold. If possible, provide addresses and cities.


Obtain a complete copy of any document, including statistics or other data in CBC’s possession, allowing me to see all types of gifts presented to CBC employees and managers, for each of the past eight years to date, October 17, 2015. If possible, provide a description of each purchase, its value, date/year, and the reasons for giving each gift, gift certificate, or other item. (Including all credit card purchases, gift certificates, trips, gold plans, stereo systems, iPhones, MP3s, smartphones, Christmas presents, or other items to thank employees or managers) – in short, all gifts.

Clarification obtained by email on October 22, 2015:

Definitions of gifts: Gifts to CBC/Radio-Canada employees are limited to contributions to recognize outstanding service, long service, or retirements.
The requestor agrees to the following:
1) Receive information only for the past four years to date, October 17, 2015.
2) Exclude archived documents.
3) Eliminate petty cash vouchers.
4) Receive information only for the following departments: English and French Services; People and Culture

Clarification obtained by telephone on November 2, 2015.

The requestor is not interested in receiving the names of the employees who received the gifts described in his request.

A-2015-00062 Obtain full copies of all records held by CBC/Radio-Canada allowing me to see the number of overtime hours, along with the monetary ($) value of these hours, paid to Radio-Canada employees (including management) for each of the past five (5) years to date, October 17, 2015.

Clarification obtained by email on October 22, 2015: The requestor agreed to receive only the updates to the information previously sent to him in request A-2014-00063; that is, from November 3, 2014 to October 17, 2015.

Obtain full copies of all records held by CBC/Radio-Canada allowing me to see all types of bonuses, premiums or other incentives, by category, paid to Radio-Canada employees (including management) for each of the past five (5) years to date, October 17, 2015. (Please include annual payroll and number of permanent, part-time and contractual employees.)

Clarification obtained by email on October 22, 2015: The requestor agreed to receive only the updates to the information previously sent to him in request A-2014-00064; that is, from November 1, 2014 to October 17, 2015.

A-2015-00039 Obtain full copies of all records held by CBC/Radio-Canada, specifically by Radio-Canada Acadie / CBC Moncton in Moncton, allowing me to see all types of bonuses, premiums or other incentives, by category, paid solely to Radio-Canada Acadie / CBC Moncton employees in Moncton for each of the past seven (7) years to date, June 26, 2015. (Please include the annual payroll and number of permanent, part-time and contract employees.)
A-2015-00038 Obtain full copies of all records held by CBC/Radio-Canada, specifically by Radio-Canada Acadie / CBC Moncton in Moncton, allowing me to see the number of overtime hours, along with the monetary ($) value of these hours, paid solely to Radio-Canada Acadie / CBC Moncton employees in Moncton for each of the past seven (7) years to date, June 26, 2015.
A-2015-00026 I would like access to an electronic file of names, salary ranges and classifications of all employees with a media relations or public information function, and the total pay and benefits costs for each of the last three completed fiscal years for media relations and communications. Please provide in an electronic format such as Excel, Access, or delimited text. No PDF or image files please.
A-2015-00025 I am seeking a copy of the April 2015 invoice files by Janice Rubin with the CBC for legal services rendered in the workplace investigation related to Jian Ghomeshi. Clarification made by telephone with the requester on June 16, 2015: I am seeking a copy of the April 2015 invoice files by Janice Rubin with the CBC for her work as independent investigator regarding the investigation related to Jian Ghomeshi.
A-2014-00125 Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefing notes, talking points, media lines, e-mails, correspondence, security reports, directives, communications plans, etc. regarding potential media coverage of revelations about Jian Ghomeshi since January 1, 2014. Please limit to documents at the Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal offices of CBC. Clarification received by email on April 10, 2015 Provide all Q and A records prepared by CBC/Radio-Canada to: - react to print, broadcast,and electronic media coverage of revelations about Jian Ghomeshi since January 1, 2014 whether by CBC/Radio-Canada media or non-CBC/Radio-Canada; and - to react to similar media coverage of corporate announcements made by CBC/Radio-Canada about Jian Ghomeshi since January 1 2014. Please limit to documents at the Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal offices of CBC. Clarification received by phone on April 24, 2015 Provide all Q and A, Q & A, Questions and answers & Questions & answers. 2nd clarification received by phone on April 24, 2015 Please limit the search to the following key words: “Q and A”, “Q & A”,” Questions and answers” & “Questions & answers”.
A-2014-00118 Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefing notes, talking points, media lines, e-mails, Power Point presentations, draft statements, Blackberry PINs, etc., regarding CBC President Hubert Lacroix’s appearance before the Senate Transport and Communications Committee on February 17, 2015 Clarification received by email on March 4, 2015 "Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefing notes, talking points, media lines, e-mails, Power Point presentations, draft statements (FINAL DRAFT), Blackberry PINs, etc., regarding CBC President Hubert Lacroix’s appearance before the Senate Transport and Communications Committee on February 17, 2015."
A-2014-00089 All records taking stock of costumes, accessories and equipment in the costumer maker’s shop at Maison de Radio-Canada in Montreal, as well as any records estimating their market and heritage value since 2012.
A-2014-00083 Obtain a full copy of all records, including statistics or other data, allowing me to see how many employees were dismissed, and the reason for each dismissal of any CBC or Radio-Canada employee, from January 1, 2005, through 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 to date (including senior executives, Board of Directors, and other senior management).
A-2014-00082 Obtain a full copy of all records, including statistics or other data, allowing me to see how many employees were suspended without or without pay, the duration of each suspension in days, weeks and month, the type of suspension and/or the reason for each suspension of any CBC or Radio-Canada employee, from January 1, 2005, through 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 to date (including senior executives, Board of Directors, and other senior management).
A-2014-00080 “Obtain a copy of any and all records in CBC/Radio-Canada’s possession that allow me to see all reported thefts and losses that occurred in CBC/Radio-Canada buildings or elsewhere, such as the residences of CBC/Radio-Canada employees, for each of the past five years to date, December 3, 2014: If possible, indicate the cash value of each theft and loss, with the date and year. For example: Secret or confidential files or records on laptops and computers, USB flash drives containing sensitive information – in short, I want all reports on this topic […] electronic hardware or other equipment belonging to CBC/Radio-Canada. Clarification received on December 22, 2014: This request does not cover loss of goods/furniture due to a fire or flood, or vehicle claim reports. The requestor wishes to obtain reports showing theft and loss of laptops, flash drives, and equipment owned by CBC/R-C.
A-2014-00079 Obtain a full copy of all records, including statistics or other data, in CBC and Radio-Canada’s possession allowing me to see the number of cases or complaints made involving harassment, verbal harassment, physical harassment, or sexual harassment, for the following years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 to date (grouped by harassment type category, sex of complainant, and date and year of complaint).
A-2014-00078 Obtain a complete copy off all documents in the CBC’s and Radio-Canada’s possession, including statistics and other data, so I can see the number of sick leave days CBC and Radio-Canada employees have taken in each of the following years: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 to date, i.e., December 3, 2014. Break down by year, category (e.g., mental health, depression), number of employees, and type of sick leave taken, for each year from 2006 to 2014.
A-2014-00073 Correspondence received from the public (not unions or politicians) complaining about cutbacks to CBC Clarification obtained on December 18, 2014: I would like to receive records for the year 2014 going backwards from the date of my request as far as my five free search hours goes.
A-2014-00064 Obtain copies of any and all records, including statistics or other data, allowing me to see the number of CBC/Radio-Canada employees per year who received any of the financial incentive types described below, for each of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 to date, October 31: Performance bonuses, bilingual bonuses, severance pay, risk premiums, early retirement bonuses, layoff pay, or voluntary departure packages as a result of cuts. Clarification obtained by telephone on November 4, 2014: The requestor agreed to receive only the updates to the information previously sent to him in request A-2013-00123; that is, from February 4, 2014 to October 31, 2014.
A-2014-00063 Obtain copies of any and all records, including statistics or other data, allowing me to see the number of hours of overtime worked per year by all CBC/Radio-Canada employees, including executives and senior managers, as well as the total amounts paid annually to compensate all of these overtime hours, for each of the following years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 to date, September 25. Clarification obtained by telephone on November 4, 2014: The requestor agreed to receive only the updates to the information previously sent to him in request A-2013-00058; that is, from September 27, 2013 to October 31, 2014.
A-2014-00052 Send us a copy of any and all records that you filed as part of participating in the federal Department of Finance’s consultation process “Pension Innovation for Canadians: The Target Benefit Plan,” under the Access to Information Act.
A-2014-00029 All emails, letters or other correspondence related to the $130 million in budget cuts announced on April 10, 2014, regarding CBC/Radio-Canada and forwarded to the President and CEO Hubert T. Lacroix and/or his office and/or members of the Board of Directors between April 10 and May 12, 2014.
A-2014-00004 Provide the total and estimated costs for all CBC expenditures on alcohol for 2013. Clarification Apr. 15/14: Limit search to English Services, in Toronto and include expenses only falling under "receptions".
A-2014-00003 Provide the total costs of parking tickets and fines to CBC, by year, since January 1, 2010.
A-2014-00002 Provide the total costs of traffic and speeding tickets and fines to CBC, by year, since January 1, 2010.
A-2013-00156 All correspondance, including emails from Tim Casgrain, in 2010, to the Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Office, regarding the "arm's length."
A-2013-00148 Performance Bonus. We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records pertaining to the payment of Performance Bonuses during FY 2012/2013.
A-2013-00147 Special Retirement Allowance. We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records pertaining to the designation of full time officers (effectively the Corporate Executive) to be beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries of the "Special Retirement Allowance Programme" as described in Schedule "J" (as amended and approved on September 1, 2006) to the CBC By-Laws for the period FY 2012/2013.
A-2013-00123 Obtain full copies of all documents in CBC/Radio-Canada’s possession that allow me to see all forms of bonuses, severance payments and performance pay awarded to CBC/Radio-Canada employees for each of the following years: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 to date. The documents should itemize each amount; the number of bonuses and severance payments; and the number of employees who were awarded bonuses, severance payments and performance pay for each of the following years: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. Clarification obtained by telephone on February 28, 2014: The requestor agreed to receive only the updates to the information previously sent to him in request A-2012-00056; that is, from August 2012 to the date of Request 123.
A-2013-00112 We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any Schedules attached to and forming part of the CBC By-Laws.
A-2013-00107 Provide estimated number of journalist employees earning in salary more than their media guild salary range rates for years 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14; and the estimated aggregate amounts per fiscal years of such extra negotiated salaries and estimated aggregate amounts before adding in negotiated amounts above set union salary ranges per these fiscal years. To put this in perspective, provide the salary costs of all CBC employees, of all CBC journalist employees, of all CBC middle managers, of all CBC senior managers in those fiscal years. Note: please indicate whether the above salary figures does include benefits and bonuses.
A-2013-00103 Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefing notes, talking points, media lines, e-mail, Power Point presentations, draft statements, BlackBerry PIN, etc. regarding CBC President Hubert Lacroix's appearance before the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women on March 5, 2013. Clarification obtained by email on April 19, 2013 Exclude documents previously released, as well as the drafts of Mr. Lacroix's remarks, and all of the remarks by others at the Committee including those documents of Mr. Lacroix and Mrs. Monique Marcotte (CBC). Additional direction received by email Jan. 03/14: I have a clarification in the above request, documents and emails should include “twitter direct messages and text messages.
A-2013-00101 Meeting of the Board of Directors. We wish to have access to and or a copy of all and/or any records pertaining to the meetings of the CBC/SRC Board of Directors for the period July 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013, inclusive. Clarification obtained on Dec. 27, 2013 The requester would like to proceed as is being done pursuant to the broadened scope of the request. This will comprise documents held by the Corporations’ Corporate Secretariat (responsible for planning and organizing Board of Directors meetings) as follows: - Agendum; - Minutes; - Decision, background, and explanatory documents presented at the Board meetings that explain matters to be discussed; - Records related to the planning of Board meetings such as travel, catering, dinners reserving technical equipment, simultaneous translation; and - Other miscellaneous records such as meeting calendars, terms of reference, corporate policies, Board operations.
A-2013-00092 Please provide me with access to an electronic (delimited text, Excel, json, xml etc, but not pdf or image format) file of all of your employees, their positions and their salary classifications, as of the time this request was filed.
A-2013-00091 Please provide me with access to an electronic (delimited text, Excel, json, xml etc, but not pdf or image format) copy of the data in the agency’s system used to track requests under the Access to Information Act. Please include requests for the fiscal year 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 to date.
A-2013-00070 For 2012 and 2007, I would like to obtain copies of the following: -number of managers and senior executives; -number of permanent and non-permanent employees (no management decision-making authority); -number of casual, freelance and contractual employees (no management decision-making authority); the IT department’s budget (including staff); and -the budget amount spent on outside IT contractors and subcontractors. Clarification obtained by telephone on October 31, 2013 For the years 2012 and 2007, I wish to obtain copies of the following: -number of permanent/non-permanent managers and senior officers; -number of permanent employees (no management decision-making authority); and -number of casual, freelance and contractual employees (no management decision-making authority) for fiscal years 2007–2008 and 2012–2013 ; -the IT department’s budget (including staff); and -budget amount spent on outside IT contractors and sub-contractors.
A-2013-00062 I request copies of the following: Water well drilling log(s) for the subject location "Transmission-National Alarm Centre, 2415 Richardson Road, Carp, ON." All water testing, results (chemical and bacterial) completed for facility commencing from initial construction date. Any completed, full chemical suite, water testing results.
A-2013-00060 Full titles only of all “Administrative Agreements” between Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Societe Radio-Canada and any other parties since Jan. 1, 2008. Clarification Oct. 03/13 Please limit search to titles of Administrative Agreements between third-parties and CBC TV and Radio divisions in English Services that have been signed by the Executive Director of News and Current Affairs or their delegate. Amended Oct. 09/13: "Since Jan. 1, 2009, the full titles only of any administrative agreements, arrangements or contracts between Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and any third party under the purview of the Editor in Chief involving the program 'The National" Clarified by email Oct. 22/13: Please limit search to the Finance department as discussed.
A-2013-00058 I seek copies of all data including statistics or other data that your organization and/or department has that would allow me to see, for each of the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 so far (for each year): A) The number of overtime hours paid to your civil servants and the total monetary value of all those hours calculated for each year from 2005–2013 so far (for each year) (including permanent, part-time and contractual employees); B) the salary amounts paid annually to your civil servants (including permanent, part-time and contractual employees). These documents should show the total payroll amount for your organization and/or department from 2005–2013 so far (for each year) also including bonus, premium, severance and performance pay (I.E., THE TOTAL PAYROLL PAYOUTS PER YEAR, 2005–2013) to date; C) the number of employees working for your organization or department, for each of the following categories: permanent civil servants, part-time employees and contractual employees for each of the years 2005–2013 so far (for each year).
A-2013-00057 Copies of all correspondence including emails between CBC/Radio-Canada and Parks Canada between Sept. 16, 2013 and Sept. 24, 2013.
A-2013-00051 Obtain full copies of all results/deliverables, i.e., results from focus groups and/or surveys conducted by the firm Ad-Hoc for approximately $25,000 paid by CBC/Radio-Canada, and pertaining to the new name (ICI Radio-Canada) mentioned on page 172 my last request, number A-2013-00014. In short, I want all documents the firm Ad-Hoc sent to CBC/Radio-Canada.
A-2013-00050 I would like to obtain copies of all documents since 2011 relative to: the mandate and guidelines of RCI, the number of times RCI was consulted, and all information relative to RCI Web users’ profiles, including their origins.
A-2013-00021 We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any invoices or bills received by the CBC/Radio Canada for the design of the "ICI Logo" and associated costs for changing signs; stationary; web sites; and ancillary costs to date (June 15, 2013)
A-2013-00017 Obtenir copie de tout document montrant tous les coûts totaux dépensés par Radio-Canada à l’interne et l’externe dans le projet du changement de Radio-Canada pour l’appelé ICI et ce depuis le début de ce projet entre 2006 et 2013 à ce jour. Copie également des previsions des coûts pour les années avenir lies à ICI pour les année 2014,2015,2016,2017 ect…
A-2013-00015 Obtenir copie complet de toutes les notes de breffages process verbaux incluant brainstorming au sujet du nouveau projet de nom ICI et ce depuis les 12 derniers mois à ce jour, le 6 juin 2013.
A-2013-00014 Obtain copies of all records in the possession of CBC/Radio-Canada allowing me to see all amounts spent by CBC/Radio-Canada on the ICI name change / rebranding initiative since its inception.

We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records, held by the CBC/SRC, pertaining to the hosting infrastructure costs for the domain for the fiscal year 2011/2012.

Clarification received 21 Feb. 2013 Anything beyond the maintenance costs for, such as payments for servers that host our websites - internal or external.

We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records, held by the CBC/SRC, pertaining to the hosting infrastructure costs for the domain for the fiscal year 2010/2011.

Clarification received 21 Feb. 2013 Anything beyond the maintenance costs for, such as payments for servers that host our websites - internal or external.

We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records, held by the CBC/SRC, pertaining to the hosting infrastructure costs for the domain for the fiscal year 2009/2010.

Clarification received 21 Feb. 2013 Anything beyond the maintenance costs for, such as payments for servers that host our websites - internal or external. Clarification received 28 Mar. 2013 Please proceed with the spreadsheet option as discussed.
A-2012-00133 We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records, held by the CBC/SRC, pertaining to the annual maintenance required by the CBC/SRC for the website for the fiscal year 2011/2012.
A-2012-00132 We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records, held by the CBC/SRC, pertaining to the annual maintenance required by the CBC/SRC for the website for the fiscal year 2010/2011.
A-2012-00131 We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records, held by the CBC/SRC, pertaining to the annual maintenance required by the CBC/SRC for the website for the fiscal year 2009/2010.
A-2012-00125 Obtain a copy of any document, such as statistics or other data, allowing me to see the number of complaints (or reports) of physical, sexual or verbal harassment involving one or more of your officials and/or any employee from your department or agency, for each of the following years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 to date, February 9, 2013.

Clarification obtained by telephone on February 19, 2013: The requester wants to obtain the same information, but only for the calendar years from 2010 to February 9, 2013.
A-2012-00117 Provide copies of all documents, including e-mails, memos, correspondence, reports, financial reports, etc. regarding proposals for CBC to sell off its collection of vinyl records since January 1, 2012. Please limit the search to Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa operations of the CBC.
A-2012-00116 Provide copies of all documents, including emails, memos, correspondence, reports, financial reports, etc. regarding how much money has been raised by CBC selling off parts of its collection of vinyl records since January 1, 2012 and how the money has subsequently been used. Please limit the search to the Ottawa operations of the CBC.
A-2012-00115 Provide copies of any assesments, reviews, projections, etc. done of the possible value of CBC's collection of vinyl records since January 1, 2012. Please limit the search to the Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal operations of the CBC.
A-2012-00113 Provide copies of any e-mails regarding parking arrangements (such as parking chits, passes, expensing procedures) for guests at CBC’s Sparks Street location, since January 1, 2011. Please limit search to the Toronto and Ottawa offices of CBC.
A-2012-00048 FY 2010-2011. Absenteeism. We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records held by the CBC/Radio Canada stating the rate and principal causes of absenteeism in both CBC and SRC for FY 2010-2011
A-2012-00047 FY 2010-2011. Absenteeism In General We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records held by the CBC/Radio Canada pertaining to discussions by the Senior Executive and/or the Board of Directors concerning the level of absenteeism at CBC/SRC in fiscal 2011.
A-2012-00041 All emails between PMO Director of Communications Andrew McDougall ( and CBC's Allie Elwell ( on Monday, June 4, 2012.
A-2012-00035 Email, memoranda and any other communication, including costs for travel, catering and meals, accommodation, room rentals, per diem, technical production, additional workers and any other expenses related to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's event at the Fairmont Pacific Rim in Vancouver on March 1, 2011, invoiced before, during or after the event.
A-2012-00014 A listing of the vehicle fleet, owned or leased, and available for the transportation of the minister or deputy minister (or senior executives for crown corporations).
A-2012-00007 I would like access to records showing the number of cell phones / smartphones issued to national capital region based employees as well as the cost of cellphone / smartphone use for the last fiscal year. If NCR based employees cannot be broken out, please provide figures for all cellphones / smartphones in use.
A-2011-00213 I would like to know the breakdown of the nearly $13,000,000.00 which was allocated to corporate management.
A-2011-00167 I would like access to and copies of all by-laws adopted by the Board of Directors with regard to:
(1) directors' fees in 2012;
(2) conditions of employment, including gratuities (paid individually or in group form), for each director;
(3) Director pension plan and contributions made to it;
(4) Director life, health and disability insurance plans.
A-2011-00138 Binder presented by President Hubert Lacroix to the House of Commons ETHI committee on Nov. 24, 2011.
A-2011-00135 Obtain a copy of all documents showing taxi expenses of all CBC/Radio-Canada employees, including senior executives, for each of the following years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 to date. Documents should show the number of taxi rides per year, and annual totals spent on taxis. Clarification received on Nov. 25, 2011 – 2011: for a two-year period (fiscal 2009–10 and 2010 to date).

1. Obtain amounts spent by all Corporation employees on taxi fares during any [ business ] trips taken.
2. Obtain amounts spent by all Corporation employees on taxi fares via taxi chits.

This request does not include taxi fares paid via petty cash voucher.

A-2010-00077 Senior Executives. Remuneration 2009. For each member of the senior executive team (President and Vice-Presidents). For each member of the senior executive team (Vice-Presidents) provide records indicating the salary range and allowances for 2009.
A-2010-00076 Senior Executives. Remuneration 2008. For each member of the senior executive team (President and Vice-Presidents). For each member of the senior executive team (Vice-Presidents) provide records indicating the salary range and allowances for 2008.
A-2010-00047 We wish to have access to and/or a copy of all and/or any records which pertain to the number; type and year of automobiles:
  • owned by the CBC/SRC this current year, and/or;
  • leased by the CBC/SRC this current year.

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