International Issues

Canada takes part in a number of international trade, financial and economic organizations, such as the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Financial Action Task Force and the Financial Stability Board. Canada also takes part in the G8 and the G20. The Department of Finance Canada has a lead role in managing our country's activities in these institutions.

The Department also plays an important role in negotiating our trade arrangements with other nations and monitoring how those arrangements serve Canada's interests.


Debt Relief

Foreign Trade Zone

International Tax Agreements and Treaties

International Assistance

International Activities



Minister Morneau Takes Canada's Plan for Competitiveness, Equality and Growth to G20, International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group
(April 19, 2018)

Minister Morneau Takes Canada’s Plan for Equality and Growth for the Middle Class to the G20
(March 19, 2018)


Canada Signs Agreement to Combat International Tax Avoidance
(June 7, 2017)

Gender Equality and a Strong Middle Class Are the Key to Global Prosperity, Minister Morneau Tells G20, IMF and World Bank
(April 22, 2017)

Minister Morneau to Build on Canada's Plan for a Strong, Confident Middle Class at IMF and World Bank Group Spring Meetings
(April 20, 2017)

Smart Investment and Global Cooperation Will Strengthen the Middle Class, Minister Morneau Tells G20
(March 18, 2017)

A Strong, Optimistic and Confident Middle Class Is Critical to a Strong Global Economy, Minister Morneau Tells G20
(March 16, 2017)


Canada a Model for Global Efforts to Create Shared Prosperity
(October 5, 2016)

Minister Morneau Again Earns G20 Support for Canada's Plan for Middle Class Growth
(July 24, 2016)

Minister Morneau to Champion Middle Class Growth through Stronger Trade and Investment at G20 in China
(July 22, 2016)

Minister Morneau Finds Support for Canada's Fiscal Plan at G20, International Monetary Fund and World Bank Meetings
(April 16, 2016)

Minister Morneau Takes Canada’s Plan for Growing the Middle Class to G20, International Monetary Fund and World Bank Spring Meetings
(April 13, 2016)

Minister Morneau Concludes G20 Meeting with Renewed Support for Canada's Plan for Long-Term Growth for the Middle Class
(February 27, 2016)

Minister Morneau to Tout Canada's New Path for Middle Class Growth at G20 Meeting in Shanghai
(February 25, 2016)