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Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts.

There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

Date Org. Name/Title Studies & Bills  Note
May 3, 2017 Senate of Canada Julien Labrosse, Officer, Administrative, Ceremonial and Protocol, Office of the Usher of the Black Rod To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 3, 2017 Senate of Canada Greg Peters, Usher of the Black Rod To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 3, 2017 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Carl Trottier, Assistant Deputy Minister, Governance, Planning and Policy Sector To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 3, 2017 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Margaret Van Amelsvoort-Thoms, Executive Director, People Management and Community Engagement, Governance, Planning and Policy Sector, Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 3, 2017 Senate of Canada Angela Vanikiotis, Manager, Human Resources Operations, Diversity and Official Languages To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
March 29, 2017 Public Service Commission of Canada Robert McSheffrey, Director General, Personnel Psychology Centre To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
March 29, 2017 Public Service Commission of Canada Tim Pettipas, Acting Senior Vice-President To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
March 29, 2017 Public Service Commission of Canada Nathalie Roy, Director, Data Services and Analysis Directorate To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
March 29, 2017 Public Service Commission of Canada Geoff Zerr, Acting Director General, Policy Development Directorate To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
March 1, 2017 Senate of Canada Luc Presseau, Director, Human Resources Directorate To examine the findings contained in the fifth report of the Senate Administration’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Accessibility and issues of diversity in the Senate workforce [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
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