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Information prior to the 40th Parliament is from notices of meetings. For the official record, please refer to the related minutes and transcripts.

There are limited electronic records available for the period prior to the 35th Parliament. For historical information, please contact: or 1-800-267-7362

Date Org. Name/Title Studies & Bills  Note
October 25, 2017 KPMG Andrew Newman, Partner, Audit Leader, Public Sector Audit Examine the Auditor General of Canada’s audit oversight recommendations [Link to the notice of this meeting]
May 5, 2016 The Senate of Canada The Honourable Senator Elaine McCoy, Senator Pursuant to rule 12-7(1), consideration of financial and administrative matters [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 4, 2016 The Senate of Canada The Honourable Senator Peter Harder, P.C., Government Representative in the Senate Pursuant to rule 12-7(1), consideration of financial and administrative matters [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 4, 2016 The Senate of Canada Charles Robert, Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments Pursuant to rule 12-7(1), consideration of financial and administrative matters [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 4, 2016 The Senate of Canada The Honourable Senator Claude Carignan, P.C., Leader of the Opposition Pursuant to rule 12-7(1), consideration of financial and administrative matters [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
May 3, 2016 The Senate of Canada The Honourable Senator James S. Cowan, Leader of the Senate Liberals Pursuant to rule 12-7(1), consideration of financial and administrative matters [Link to the notice of this meeting] [ParlVu Audio] [Link to the transcripts of this meeting] [Link to the minutes of this meeting]
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