Governing Council - Role

Governing Council:

  • develops CIHR's strategic directions and goals;
  • evaluates CIHR's overall performance, including with respect to achievement of its objectives;
  • approves CIHR's budget;
  • is responsible for establishing, maintaining and terminating the Institutes;
  • determines the mandate of the Institutes;
  • appoints Scientific Directors and Institute Advisory Board members;
  • reviews the mandate and performance of CIHR institutes at least once every five years;
  • provides advice to the Minister of Health.


The Governing Council has created five committees, each with specific terms of reference. Committees meet on average three to four times per year.

With the exception of the Executive Committee, membership on these committees may include people who are not members of the Governing Council.

CIHR's President is an ex officio member of all Standing Committees.

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