NEIHR components

The Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) Program will build on two components. The first one is the Development Grants and the second one is the Network Grants

Partner linkage tool

Development Grants

The Development Grants provide support for proposal preparation activities, community personnel support, and travel support to attend gatherings of Indigenous communities, researchers, knowledge users, stakeholders, and/or partners. The expected development activities include a preliminary review of the literature, and other information sources, along with a local and/or regional assessment to determine readiness, priority areas of interest and capacity within the community to develop a full NEIHR application to CIHR. Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Holders are encouraged to play a lead role on the research team (e.g., Nominated Principal Knowledge User, co-investigator, etc.).

Please contact NEIHR to receive a copy of the NEIHR Strengthening Workshop Report that took place on December 11-12, 2018.

Network Grants

The purpose of the Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) Program is to establish a national network of centres focused on capacity development, research and knowledge translation (KT) centred on Indigenous Peoples (i.e., First Nations, Inuit and Métis). The network of centres is intended to provide supportive research environments for Indigenous health research driven by, and grounded in, Indigenous communities in Canada. It will also ensure continued growth, broad regional development and national collaborations.

Collectively, all the NEIHR centres will work together in a consortium between Indigenous communities, researchers, knowledge users and other interested parties under one common governance structure in order to form an interconnected and collaborative Indigenous-led NEIHR Consortium across Canada.

The Network Grants funding opportunity is now live on ResearchNet.


CIHR held a webinar on January 17, 2019 to provide applicants with the opportunity to address any outstanding questions regarding the Request for Applications.

The webinar was recorded and is now available for your reference. The webinar was held in English and participants could ask their questions in both official languages. If you would like to access the FAQ portion of the webinar, it starts at 45:27 min on the recording.

Please see Questions and answers section below for questions about the changes on the funding opportunity.

Please send an email to to get a copy of the presentation.

  • Questions and answers

    Question: Why was the deadline for submission changed from June 4, 2019 to September 4, 2019?

    Answer: CIHR organized a strengthening workshop in December 2018 attended by over 100 participants, most of whom were associated with the CIHR NEIHR Development grants. Based on the input received at that time, the deadline for submitting a NEIHR application has been extended. Researchers and community members indicated that the networking, consensus-building, partnerships development and application writing could benefit from additional time.

    Question: If each NEIHR application can define their own catchment area and target population, could this leave gaps? What will happen with Indigenous communities (broadly defined) that are not within the geographical and target population catchment of the successful NEIHRs?

    Answer: Each NEIHR centre must ensure that resources are distributed equitably based on the needs and the demographics of the Indigenous populations (e.g., First Nations, Inuit and Métis) in the catchment area of the NEIHR centre. Each NEIHR application is required to demonstrate how the team will include and address the priorities of the main population in their catchment area and be representative of the entire community. In the longer term, the NEIHR Coordinating Centre will collaborate with CIHR to develop a performance measurement and evaluation framework for the NEIHR Program that will be used to evaluate the NEIHR Program as a whole, as well as each NEIHR centre, to help identify potential needs and to help guide the future direction of the overall NEIHR program.

    Question: Can a research grant submission that is applying to one of the funding pools (e.g., Ontario) define their catchment area to be all of Canada?

    Answer: Yes. Applicants define their own catchment area and it can be national in scope.

    Question: Does the NEIHR Coordinating Centre have to be a NEIHR centre with a national catchment area?

    Answer: No. One of the successful NEIHR centres will take on the additional role of the NEIHR Coordinating Centre. Although all of the CIHR-funded NEIHR centres will be based in Canada, the NEIHR Coordinating Centre is anticipated to be involved in some activities that are international in scope in order to achieve their mandate. This does not preclude any of the individual NEIHR grants from solely taking part in discrete activities international in scope for their respective grant and independent from the activities of the NEIHR Coordinating Centre. Interested NEIHR grant applicants are required to indicate interest in this role as part of their funding application.

    Question: For NEIHR applicants within the same region as Indigenous Mentorship Network (IMN) centres, can they have the same nominated PIs as the IMN centres, and what is the overlap?

    Answer: For NEIHR grant holders who hold an IMN grant, the combined value of the two (2) grants cannot exceed the maximum annual value of a single NEIHR grant (i.e., $700,000 per year), unless the applicants can clearly justify how NEIHR funds will expand on the work already undertaken with the IMN program funds.

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