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No regret: Captured ISIS fighter wants to come home — but not if he will be judged by Canadian law

While captured ISIS members and their families at home in Canada have been pleading with Ottawa for help to repatriate them, the country’s handling of the contentious issue has come in for criticism by security experts.

Why Scheer campaigns with Kenney but not Ford

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney fired up the crowd in front of a candidate's campaign office in Edmonton on Saturday as Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer hopped on stage. It's a scene you likely won't see repeated during the election campaign in Ontario, which is led by Conservative Premier Doug Ford.

We asked 3 companies to recycle Canadian plastic and secretly tracked it. Only 1 company recycled the material

After several instances of Canadian plastic waste turning up overseas in places like the Philippines and Malaysia, CBC's Marketplace wanted to track the lifecycle of Canadian plastic.

Conservatives hold small lead but Liberals favoured in seats

Federal poll averages and seat projections from the CBC's Éric Grenier show the Conservatives and Liberals in a close race ahead of the October election.

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