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Supreme Court Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. S-26)

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Act current to 2020-01-08 and last amended on 2019-12-18. Previous Versions

Procedure in Appeals (continued)

Stay of Execution (continued)

Marginal note:Money levied and not paid over before fiat

 Where at the time of the receipt by the sheriff of a fiat, or of a copy thereof, the money has been made or received by the sheriff, but not paid over to the party who issued the execution, the party appealing may demand back from the sheriff the amount made or received under the execution, or so much thereof as is in the sheriff’s hands not paid over, and in default of payment by the sheriff, on that demand, the party appealing may recover the money from the sheriff in an action for money had and received or by means of an order or rule of the court appealed from.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 72

Marginal note:Perishable property

 Where a judgment appealed from directs the delivery of perishable property, the court appealed from, or a judge thereof, may order the property to be sold and the proceeds to be paid into court, to abide the judgment of the Supreme Court.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 73

Discontinuance of Proceedings

Marginal note:Notice

  •  (1) An appellant may discontinue the proceedings by giving to the Registrar and the respondent a notice entitled in the Court and in the cause, and signed by the appellant or the appellant’s attorney or solicitor, stating that the appellant discontinues the proceedings.

  • Marginal note:Respondent entitled to costs

    (2) On the notice referred to in subsection (1) being given, the respondent is at once entitled to the costs of and occasioned by the proceedings in appeal, and may, in the court of original jurisdiction, either sign judgment for those costs or obtain an order from that court or a judge thereof for their payment, and may take all further proceedings in that court as if no appeal had been brought.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 74
  • R.S., c. 44(1st Supp.), s. 8

Consent to Reversal of Judgment

Marginal note:Consent to reversal

 A respondent may consent to the reversal of the judgment appealed against by giving to the appellant a notice entitled in the Court and in the cause, and signed by the respondent or the respondent’s attorney or solicitor, stating that the respondent consents to the reversal of the judgment, and thereupon the Court or a judge shall pronounce judgment of reversal as of course.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 75

Dismissal for Delay

Marginal note:Dismissal for delay to proceed

  •  (1) Where an appellant unduly delays to prosecute the appeal, or fails to bring on the appeal to be heard at the first session of the Court, after the appeal is ripe for hearing, the respondent may, on notice to the appellant, move the Court, or a judge in chambers, for the dismissal of the appeal.

  • Marginal note:Order

    (2) Such order shall thereupon be made as the Court or judge deems just.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 76

Death of Parties

Marginal note:Death of one of several appellants

 In the event of the death of one of several appellants, pending the appeal to the Court, a suggestion may be filed of the death, and the proceedings may thereupon be continued at the suit of and against the surviving appellant as if the surviving appellant were the sole appellant.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 77

Marginal note:Death of sole appellant or all appellants

  •  (1) In the event of the death of a sole appellant, or of all the appellants, the legal representative of the sole appellant, or of the last surviving appellant, may, by leave of the Court or a judge, file a suggestion of the death, and that he is that legal representative, and the proceedings may thereupon be continued at the suit of and against the legal representative as the appellant.

  • Marginal note:If no suggestion

    (2) If the suggestion referred to in subsection (1) is not made, the respondent may proceed to an affirmance of the judgment, according to the practice of the Court, or take such other proceedings as the respondent is entitled to take.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 78

Marginal note:Death of one of several respondents

 In the event of the death of one of several respondents, a suggestion may be filed of the death and the proceedings may be continued against the surviving respondents.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 79

Marginal note:If suggestion of death untrue

 A suggestion of the death of one of several appellants, of a sole appellant, of all the appellants or of one of several respondents, if untrue, may on motion be set aside by the Court or a judge.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 80

Marginal note:Death of sole respondent or all respondents

 In the event of the death of a sole respondent or of all the respondents, the appellant may proceed, on giving one month’s notice of the appeal and of the appellant’s intention to continue the appeal, to the representative of the deceased party, or, if no such notice can be given, on such notice to the parties interested as a judge of the Court directs.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 81

Marginal note:Death of party where judgment against deceased

 In the event of the death of a sole plaintiff or defendant before the judgment of the court in which an action or appeal is pending is delivered, and if the judgment is against the deceased party, the legal representatives of the deceased party, on entering a suggestion of the death, are entitled to proceed with and prosecute an appeal in the Supreme Court in the same manner as if they were the original parties to the suit.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 82

Marginal note:Death of party where judgment in favour of deceased

 In the event of the death of a sole plaintiff or sole defendant before the judgment of the court in which an action or appeal is pending is delivered, and if the judgment is in favour of the deceased party, the other party, on entering a suggestion of the death, is entitled to proceed with and prosecute an appeal in the Supreme Court against the legal representatives of the deceased party, but the time limited for appealing shall not run until the legal representatives are appointed.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 83

Entry of Causes

Marginal note:Entry of appeals and order of hearing

 Unless otherwise ordered by the Chief Justice or one of the puisne judges at the Chief Justice’s direction, the appeals set down for hearing shall be

  • (a) entered by the Registrar on a list in the order in which they have been inscribed for hearing; and

  • (b) heard in the order that the Registrar considers appropriate and disposed of.

  • R.S., 1985, c. S-26, s. 79
  • 1990, c. 8, s. 41
  • 1994, c. 44, s. 102


Marginal note:Affidavits

 All persons authorized to administer affidavits to be used in any of the superior courts of any province may administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, declarations and solemn affirmations in that province to be used in the Court.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 85

Marginal note:Appointment of commissioners

  •  (1) The Governor in Council may, by commission, empower such persons as the Governor in Council thinks necessary, within or outside Canada, to administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, declarations and solemn affirmations in or concerning any proceeding had or to be had in the Court.

  • Marginal note:Effect of affidavits

    (2) Every oath, affidavit, declaration or solemn affirmation taken or made pursuant to subsection (1) is as valid and of the like effect, to all intents, as if it had been administered, taken, sworn, made or affirmed before the Court or before any judge or competent officer thereof in Canada.

  • Marginal note:Style of commissioners

    (3) Every commissioner empowered pursuant to subsection (1) shall be styled “a commissioner for administering oaths in the Supreme Court of Canada”.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 86

Marginal note:How affidavits, declarations or affirmations may be made outside Canada

 Any oath, affidavit, declaration or solemn affirmation concerning any proceeding had or to be had in the Court administered, taken, sworn, made or affirmed outside Canada is as valid and of the same effect to all intents as if it had been administered, taken, sworn, made or afffirmed before a commissioner appointed under this Act, if it is so administered, taken, sworn, made or affirmed outside Canada before

  • (a) a commissioner authorized to take and receive affidavits to be used in Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice in England;

  • (b) a notary public and certified under his hand and official seal;

  • (c) a mayor or chief magistrate of any city, borough or town corporate in any part of the Commonwealth and Dependent Territories other than Canada, or in any foreign country, and certified under the common seal of that city, borough or town corporate;

  • (d) a judge of any court of superior jurisdiction in any part of the Commonwealth and Dependent Territories other than Canada and certified under the seal of the court of which he is a judge; or

  • (e) a consul, vice-consul, acting consul, pro-consul or consular agent of Her Majesty exercising his functions in any foreign place and certified under his official seal.

  • R.S., c. S-19, s. 87
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